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My mom knocked on the door then came in. If was the first day for my new school.

"What's the point of knocking if you're just gonna come in?" I groaned.

"It's the first day of your new school. You don't want to be late." She said. I bassically dragged myself out of my bed and went upstairs to the kitchen sense I demanded the room in the basement. I say at the table where my food was already waiting for me.

"Stop picking at your food. It'll get cold." My father scolded.

"Not as cold as your heart." I laughed alittle too loud. My father just gave me the death stare. I walked back downstairs and got ready and dressed.m. It was storming. It was already October, and my first day of senior year at a new school. I grabbed my bag and walked up to go start walking to school.

"It's pretty stormy. Would you like a ride to school?" My mom asked.

"No. We need to get used to the rain. We moved to California." I said. I walked out door. School was 5 blocks away. I felt other people looking at me. But I was used to it. I walked to my first class. I sat in the back and drew until it was time for class to start. 20 minutes after the bell rang a boy walked into the class. He dressed like me.

"Jordan, of course you're late. What's your reason this time?" The teacher said.

"Oh, I was in my car listening to the radio and trying to win 2 Slayer tickets." Jordan answered. I sat up. A metalhead tribe member my age. Finally!

"For 20 whole minutes you were doing just that?" The teacher asked.

"Well. Ya see." Jordan cleared his throat before continuing. "I'M GOING TO SEE FUCKING SLAYER!" He screamed. The whole class was silent.

"Well it is Raining Blood after all." I laughed breaking the silence. He looked at me.

"I guess it's coming from the South Of Heaven." He laughed back. We were the only ones who understood the joke.

"Ju-just go sit by the new girl." The teacher said rolling his eyes. Jordan came and sat by me.

"Finally, another metalhead." He said. "I'm Jordan by the way. And you?"

"My name is Alice. I just moved here from Missouri." I said. He smiled. I felt a feeling that I've never felt before. I looked back at my sketch book and continued drawing.

"Why did you move?" He asked. I didn't want to say why. So I can up with something.

"My dad's job moved him up here." I lied.

"Jordan! Alice! Did you here what I said!?" The teacher yelled.

"No. We were to busy talking about... Metal!" I switched to death vocals of the last word. Jordan laughed hard. The teacher sighed and rolled his eyes.

"I said that you're gonna team up with the person next to you and do a history project over anything." He said. The bell rang. The day went by quick. Before I got on the sidewalk to walk home I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around quickly in defense mode. I saw a tall figure so my first reaction was to punch him in the gut.

"Dude! It's just me! Jordan!" He said.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" I apologized.

"It's fine. Anyway. I wanted to ask where you want to do our project today." He said.

"How about we go back and forth. Like my house today and your house tomorrow. And yeah." I answered.

"Okay. Do you need a ride home?" He offered.

"That's be nice. Thanks." I said. He opened the door and I got into his car. He walked around and got into the drivers seat.

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