Once the formalities are over we shake hands and Christina speaks to me for the first time.

"I just want you to know that this is nothing personal. I just enjoy it too much," She says to me and I frown in confusion.

The bell rings and I pull my hand away but she digs her nails into my skin and pulls me towards her, catching me off guard. Before I can comprehend what is happening she head butts me right in the nose and my face stings at the impact.

I push her violently and stumble back, feeling slightly dizzy. My lips are wet and my hand goes to my nose only to find blood dripping out my nostrils. I wipe my hands over my pants and glare at her.

No ones supposed to attack during formalities and she blatantly cheated in front of everyone but it doesn't seem like the authorities are bothered. The adjudicator blows a whistle and I look up to see Lucian making a fuss. Lazarus sits next to him, beaming from ear to ear as he stares at me. He gets up and commands the adjudicators to continue the match.

They listen to Lazarus and blow the whistle again signalling for us to continue. I don't realize that while I had been watching the interaction between Lazarus and Lucian, Christina had walked to the wall in front of the main stand and taken an electric pole off the wall.

I knew that the poles were available after the first match but I didn't notice them there.

The moment the whistle blows, she charges at me with lighting fast speed and swings the electric end at me. The electric buzzing glides past my ears as I swerve to the right missing the pole tip by centimeters.

I charge to the wall and grab one of the poles but she reaches me before I can dismount it. She strikes me again and I duck, hearing the impact of a buzz of electricity hitting the wall.

I use my strength against her as practiced. I grab the pole she holds and pull her towards me, kneeing her in the stomach with all my energy. Her grip doesn't loosen but she gasps for air and stumbles back a few steps.

Using this opportunity I grab a pole off the wall and charge at her.

She recovers quickly and blocks my strike with the pole in her hands. The electricity from both our poles burst between us on impact and we both jump back.

Smiling, she charges at me once again but from the way she digs her left heel into the ground I can anticipate her attack from the left and I block her easily. We continue our attacks on each other until I feel my back hit a wall.

She swings the end of the pole directly at my face and I roll over to the side. Her pole hits the wall and breaks into shards at the impact. Now that her pole has been destroyed she looks at the one in my hand worriedly but I swing it against the wall breaking it in the process.

I was fine being prepared but I want the satisfaction in fighting fair and square.

Her eyes widen in surprise as I throw an upper hook her way, throwing her head to the side. Spit flies out of her mouth and she laughs. Around us the crowds are ablaze with excitement, screaming for more.

I swing my arm at her again but this time she catches it. She pulls me towards her and twists my arm behind me making my eyes blurry with tears. I kick her from behind weakly and barely wiggle out of her grasp. Using her own move against her I swing myself around her and catch her in a head lock.

I squeeze hard around her tiny fragile looking neck hoping that she will tap out but she is more resolute than I expected. She barely struggles as I feel her head shift slightly under my arms. I try to squeeze harder but I am suddenly paralyzed by an immense amount of pain that rips through the skin of my forearm. 

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