iii. "preparation and departure"

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After the lightening bug show, Henrik arranged a time that they could discuss everything, as it was nearly two in the morning. She had asked for Leah to stay behind, so she could talk to her girl to girl about being a shapeshifter. All of the guys filed out quickly after hearing that.

When it was just Henrik and Leah, Henrik started off with the question that was nagging her to her wit's end. Will it always be as painful as the first time? Henrik tried to not think about the excruciating pain she experienced, she cringed remembering. Leah shuddered violently.

Nah, it's nearly painless the sixth or seventh time around. Leah's response lifted such a heavy weight off Henrik's shoulders, Henrik exhaled the biggest sigh of relief.

Thank the lord, Henrik's response was immediate, she's been saying this out of habit for awhile now, even though she wasn't convinced there was a lord to thank. What changed physically since you shifted?

Leah had to think for a second before responding, I don't get my period any more. This caught Henrik's attention. Henrik's period came with major cramps, psychotic mood swings, and intense head aches. Luckily, her mother had a spell or medicine for each of those things, but she was so glad to not have to worry about that.

Yessss, Henrik exclaimed joyfully, finally something good comes of this. Leah genuinely laughed.

Right? The initial scare of not getting my period freaked the daylights out of me, and then it all clicked, so it's definitely a plus. Leah didn't seem as quiet as she was when the guys were there, Henrik tried not to look to deep into it.

There was a moment of silence before Henrik asked another question softly, Are they nice? It was so simple, yet so important to Henrik.

Leah sighed, I have my history with a few of the guys, Seth, my brother, is probably too nice. Paul has anger issues, as you saw from earlier. Me and Sam were dating, but it -uh- didn't work out. Other than that they aren't terrible.

That's good to know, Henrik said before letting out a loud yawn. She could go to sleep right where she was at, it didn't seem like a bad idea, when was the last time she'd gotten to sleep?

Leah noticed and encouraged her to go back to her mother, Woah there buddy, you should get back to your family. When she heard the groan from Henrik, she replied, I'm not leaving until you get back to your mom, until then I'll yell in your ear.

Reluctantly, she began trotting back to where she and her mother agreed on meeting after her run. True to her word, Freya was standing there with clothes in her hand, waiting patiently for Henrik.

Henrik walked up and grabbed her clothes from her mother's hand and went behind a tree to shift back and change. Leah informed her on the way back to her mother how to shift back and to make sure to get tons of sleep, because "this shit drains you of all your energy," as Leah put it.

"Welcome back, beautiful," Freya told her daughter. She always referred to Henrik as beautiful, it was something she had done when Henrik was just a baby and it stuck.

"Hey, Mama." Henrik walked up to Freya with opened arms as she embraced her mother in a loving hug. Henrik sagged against her mother frame, Leah was not lying, this shit drained her energy. Slowly Rik released her mother and they began their walk home. "There's so much to tell you, " Henrik mumbled, her eyes drooping heavily.

50 Shades of Life |Paul Lahote| •A Twilight and Originals Crossover•Where stories live. Discover now