32 | They come to your family reunion.

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• You made Steve wear a shirt.

• Soda made fun of him because he was kinda upset.

• Dallas said he wouldn't come with but he showed up.

• Johnny, Two-bit, and Pony are hyped for free food.

• Darry genuinely is excited to meet your family.

• All the aunts and grandmas came up to the boys and smothered them in hugs and kisses as soon as y'all walked in the door.

• Ponyboy, Soda, and Johnny looked so happy.

• Dallas looked so uncomfortable.

• He kept giving you side eye like "Get these old ladies off of me."

Two-bit spiked the punch bowl without telling anyone.

• Your aunt kept trying to hook the boys up with your cousin.

• Johnny was just trying to be nice but ended up getting stuck sitting with her for 30 minutes.

• He kept looking at you with desperate eyes.

• You couldn't really help him though.

• Steve and your uncle were arguing over food.

• You had to calm them down.

• Half of your family members were drunk due to Two-bit.

• Darry, Ponyboy, and Soda spent most of the time at their own table only talking to each other.

• Dallas got stuck listening to your great uncles war stories.

• You and Two-bit would come up to them occasionally and say "Oh tell him about the time.." and then you would leave.

• Dallas was PISSED.

• Johnny escaped with your cousins phone number.

• You, Johnny, and Ponyboy prank called her later that night.

• Your mom found the Curtis brothers and told them embarrassing stories from your childhood.

• Dallas tried to fight you and Two-bit when you got back to the Curtis house.

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