A loud, shrieking and deafening roar thundered, making everyone stop and cover their ears from the painful roar of the dragon. Hanzo jumped onto its head and ordered him to roast everyone into a crisp.

Hanekage gladly obliged for this is a chance for him to go all out in a fight. He roared with his might before emitting a huge amount of fire on his mouth and burned the plain, making it look like hell on the earth's surface.

While having his time firing balls of fire, Hanekage did not take notice on Hanabi clinging onto him with her spider-like limbs. When she can finally walk on the dragon's scale, Hanabi made her way to Hanzo's whereabout.

The akuma ninja sensed her presence so he turns his back and watches her come.

"Look who's here," he sneered.

Hanabi knew he is smirking even if he is wearing his mask. She stops and stares right back at his emerald eyes.

"This will be the end, rhino head," she proclaimed.

Hanzo simply shrugged and had his sword drawn out. Hanabi vanished as she threw her Higanbana in midair, and she appears before the akuma ninja. With a soul scroll kunai, she swings her hand across Hanzo's face and broke half of his mask. She once again vanished and retreated before Hanzo could counterattack. The scarlet ninja motioned her Higanbana behind Hanzo but he was able to dodge it.

"Nice try," Hanzo commented as he takes off his broken mask. A smirk once again formed on his lips for he is having fun with the battle against Amaterasu's blessed ninja.

"Prepare, rhino head, for I shall end your absurdity," Hanabi said as she lunged towards him.

Hanzo knew he is way better than her in hand to hand combat so he dropped his sword and fought with her with his bare hands. Plus, Hanabi is weak when it comes to a close fight.

"You better watch out," he mused," For I will defeat you."

Hanabi smirked as she lands a kick on him right on his abdomen. "You wish," she hissed.

Hanabi has been attacking but all Hanzo did is defense. This alerted the scarlet ninja that he is up to something and before she could retreat to figure something out, Hanzo kneed her on the abdomen. She fell back and rolled on the rough scale of the dragon. She got bruises all over but that did not stop her. She stood on her feet but it was too late for her to realize that she is standing on the soul portal. Her energy starts to drain and before she could step out of it, it disappeared in all of a sudden. Hanabi was about to summon her Higanbana but Hanzo already performed his kinjutsu, the Pinnacle Ninja, wherein his shadow takes form and attacks the scarlet ninja with the Ame no Habakiri.

Hanabi got serious injuries from his attacks that she could not stand up anymore. Her mask was shredded into pieces as Hanzo continued attacking. She winced when the shadow managed to slightly cut her cheek. She felt a warm liquid form on her skin. The shadow returned back to Hanzo's body and the akuma ninja watches her struggle.

"Told ya," he mocked. "No matter how hard you train, you won't ever defeat me."

While Hanabi is having a one on one battle against the akuma ninja, the others are trying to suppress and stop Hanekage from causing more chaos and fire.

Hanekage left the burning plain and flew away. It is now heading to Kyoto, searching and thirsting for more destruction.

Hanabi gathered all her strength to stand back up. She summons her Higanbana and glares at Hanzo. But she fell on her back once more as Hanekage flew upwards. She heard her enemy snicker in delight as she rolls down on the lower body of the dragon. Hanabi had her spider-like limbs summoned and clung onto the dragon's rough scale. She rolled on her side when Hanzo threw kunais right at her. Shurikens came flying right at her that she almost fell in midair. With her spider-like limbs, she was able to get her feet back on the demon and faced Hanzo.

"Don't mock me," she retorted as she threw her Higanbana once more and vanished. Hanzo stopped her Higanbana with just one swing of his sword. The Higanbana went flying back to where Hanabi has disappeared from. He expected her to appear near him but she remained unseen. He looked around, figuring out where the scarlet ninja is.

When he turned around, Hanabi appeared right in front of him. He was about to land a blow on her but she blocks every attack with her soul scroll. When she got the opportunity, she landed a jab on Hanzo's abdomen, making him to bend forward due to pain. She finally had the chance to get closer, she took a step forward and tiptoed to be on the same level as him. Before the akuma ninja could do anything else, Hanabi draws near, closing the gap that separates them. For her, this is the only choice she has in order for Hanzo to lower his guard and be defenseless in a short period of time.

Hanzo was caught in a surprise as he felt her lips touching his. He was immobilized and while he is on a trance, Hanabi took that chance to plunge her soul scroll on his chest. She held the kunai tightly. She felt his crimson blood flow on her hands and it pains her but she has to do this.

She backs away, lowered her head and whimpered, "I'm sorry."

With her bloody hands, she held both of his cheeks and with a sob, she said, "I'm sorry but I have to do this."

The demonic energy immediately spreads throughout Hanzo's body, weakening him as well as Hanekage who slowly grew smaller in size until it could only has the form of a cat.

Hanzo fell down as Hanabi has her arms wrapped around him with her tears flowing out of her ocean-blue eyes. The two fell down on a lake and luckily, Shizuka and the others spotted where they have fallen.

Chief Haruno's troops helped Hanabi and Hanzo get out from the water. The scarlet ninja stares at the man she stabbed, who is now on the verge of death,unconscious, and she cannot do anything about it. His skin grew pale and dark marks starts to spread around his body.

"If I only knew that he is the traitor, I could have punished him a long time ago," Chief Haruno said as he sits next to his dying son. "I apologize, Hanzo."

Hanabi knelt down across him and cried, "You told me that you have sensed Izanami from him back when he was a child, why didn't you do something back then?"

Chief Haruno got confused on what the scarlet ninja just spoke of so he asked, "Did I say anything something like that? For I have not known that Izanami is with him."

"What?" Hanabi retaliated. "You did tell me!"

"Oh," a familiar voice said. "It wasn't him you were talking to back then. It was actually me."

A black fog emerged from the chief and right above him, Izanami showed himself.

The Scarlet Shadow [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now