47- Domestic Injuries

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When the two young ladies finally returned to the general's Fu An Qing Ran was a little regretful.

In this life, just as in the past she wasn't able to attend the party... As for the capital three beauties, she knew that she would have other opportunities to meet them in the future. Still, at the time they would have grown into a young woman, she didn't know how big the difference would be with their youthful appearance!

On their way back An Yan Ran rode the small carriage. She didn't suffer any mayor injuries. According to the physician she only needed to take some medicine for a few these and she would be fine. This must be due to the girl's lucky fate.

Still, Qing-Ran was able to avoid the Imperial edict in regard to her marriage! She now has the real opportunity to change her fate!.

When they arrived at the Fu, the place was in up broad. After An Zhong Tao heard that such a big incident involving his two daugthers had ocurred, he called for a doctor. His conclusions were similar to the previous diagnosis.

An Qing Ran was quietly sitting in Xi Wu Courtyard, her mind finally at ease.

Everything had change after all!

Ren Dong, on the other hand, was full of worries and a bit helpless in front of her young mistress injury. After some time she decided to read the doctor instructions every morning and to personally supervise her miss recovery! She would be the only one in charge of the miss prescription. An Qing Ran felt a bit annoyed by this injury. Her memory of the event was old and she didn't have time to practice.

In reality, her father raised his daughter's like boys. General An believe that the young misses of his estate shouldn't be weak and defenceless. Therefore he made them practice martial arts from an early age.

However, in her past life An Qing Ran didn't take her practice seriosly and mainly fooled around. As a result, she wasn't able to react properly in situations like today.

An Qing Ran decided it would be one of the firts things she would change in her new life. At the very least she would be able to protect herself! In the past, she couldn't understand why her father insisted on having his daughters learn the spears dance. But everything had change and somehow understood him. She also felt that it was the right thing to do.

Ren Dong on her hand had pestered the girl to tell her the details of the incident. She sensed that something wasn't right.

The young miss wasn't naughty child. She didn't play around or jump up and down. On the contrary, she is a quiet and sturdy child. What had happened for the young miss to twist her foot so badly?

However, her young lady refused to give any details.

An Qing Ran looked at the maid helplessly.

"Ren Dong... This miss doesn't want to let you know what really happen! You just need to take care of yourself..."

"Why would this slave need to be careful about miss?"

"Just be careful..."

An Qing Ran hesitated. Should she tell the maid to beware when it came to An Yan Ran? However, she mustn't hot the grass and startle the snake.

The discussion was cut short, as the courtyard  bell rang and An Yan Ran's voice was heard.

"Jie Jie can I come in?"

The two girls had not met since the incident. An Yan Ran strolled in, an innocent smile plastered on her face as if nothing had occurred at all.

Walking to An Qing Ran she presented a plate of dessert.

"Jie Jie, this Mei Mei had a cold for a few days and could not visit you since father had people watching over me. It was so suffocating!"

An Qing Ran nodded.

"You should have rested some more."

An Qing Ran didn't think she could keep her voice light and gentle, as if she was aware of anything . She too could play this game of hypocrisy.

"But... I missed Jie Jie! Nobody would tell me how bad your injury is. Those slaves only told me that you needed to rest..."

Putting cutely An Yan Ran come forward to check on Qing Ran's injury.

All the while the eldest girl smiled, secretly hating herself for acting this way!

In the end, she could not help herself, she bit her lips but still asked Yan Ran in the end.

"What about you Mei Mei? The water was so cold, you should take better care and let any disease root from this incident!"


SORRY GUYS ONLY 1 CHAPTER UPDATE TODAY. BUT I PROMISE THAT I WILL UPDATE TOMORROW AT LEAST 3 CHAPTERS MORE. Been in my laptop all day translating guys (for 3 novels) ........😭😫

Im tired.......Good night!! 😴

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