New beginnings.

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India's POV: Today was my fresh start, my boyfriend Ashton gave me a kiss of the cheek before I got out of his little blue ford fiesta. He hugged me. I didn't let go for at least 2 minutes. Me and Ashton had a past. We have been together since we were 13 years old, non stop. I loved him. I found it hard to believe I would not be home for my 18th birthday, instead I was moving into a new boarding school, Evergreen High.

Why was I going to this school? Intelligence. My teacher, parents and family members all believed I had potential and I won a full scholarship to Evergreen. It was a difficult school to get in for many.. But not me.

"See you soon okay, have a good time India," said Ashton with his car window drawn down.

"Goodbye Ash," I replied.

"I love you."

 And with that, he drove away. A tear ran down my cheek as I waved him off, as he slowly got further, and further away from me. Ashton was the only boy I had ever loved. But now I was starting a fresh start, while he stayed in a regular school. He was a sporty boy, but lacked allot of knowledge, but I didn't mind. I adored his grunge blonde hair, his ocean blue eyes, his gorgeous lips, his body, he was mine and I loved him no matter what. 

He had driven me about 500 miles to my new school because he insisted on making sure I arrived safely. He asked if I needed help with my bags but I thought it would've been a better idea if I went alone so I can meet my roommate/mates, I didn't even know what to expect.

So with that, I took my bags and walked into the building.

I approached a middle aged man sat at the receptionist desk. He looked up at me. 

"I'm the new student.. Uh India.. Ward," I said anxiously.

He said nothing, but he typed my name into the system.

"Room 502, floor 5," he said, while handing me the door key, "There's stairs straight ahead or a lift just there," he pointed at about 6 different lifts, "Do you need help with your bags Miss Ward?"

"N-no I'm good, thanks for the help sir." I replied, and I walked towards the lifts.

I pressed the button for the lift and 3 girls walked out with a cigarette in one hand and the lighter in the other hand, ready to go outside and smoke them, I had never had a cigarette before, I never really saw a reason to smoke. I smiled at them and I got a strange look from them back which made me kind embarrassed but I just walked into the lift and pressed floor 5.

I walked out of the lift and there it was, room 502.

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