Bloody Petals Chapter 12 "Supportive Sister"

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[It was a Tuesday afternoon as students from Beacon were being dismissed since the school day was over. The trio escaped the crowded halls and exited the building. Unfortunately, Weiss couldn't tag along with them. She said that she gets picked up instead of walking home.

   When Ruby and Oscar were about to cross the gates, Ruby looked around knowing that Jaune wasn't with them.]

Ruby: Did Jaune get caught up with the crowd back there?

Oscar: Nah, he just went to use the bathroom.

[The two teens walked toward the gate. However, Oscar stopped in his tracks which made Ruby to stop too.]

Ruby: Is there anything wrong, Oscar?

Oscar: Do you ever have that feeling like you're forgetting something?

Ruby: Yes, I hate it. Especially when you're not forgetting anything.

Oscar: Just in case if I am forgetting anything-

[Oscar started counting on his fingers while listing out his homework.]

Oscar: We have homework for English; I got my notes for that one. We have a test comming up for math-oh! Now I remember. We have a quiz for chemistry and I forgot to get my notebook.

Ruby: So you are forgetting something.

Oscar: Yeah. I'll be right back, I have to get it from my locker.

[Oscar hurried back into the building leaving Ruby alone. She sighed and muttered something out.]

Ruby: Maybe I should quickly check if I forgot something..

[Ruby put her backpack down and nelt down next to it. She unzipped her backpack and took out a green folder. When Ruby opened it, all her papers came tumbling down on the ground.

Argh! Just my luck!


   Just as Ruby reached her hand to grab the scattered papers, another hand already reached over. Ruby looked up to see who it was and froze. It was Cardin..

  Ruby sat there motionless as she looked at Cardin who was picking the scattered papers off the ground. He gave a small crocked smile and put his hand out with her papers.]

Cardin: I just want to apologize for everything. Here.

[Ruby blinked at least three times. Was she dreaming? First Weiss apologizing, now Cardin. Something didn't feel right.

   Ruby didn't speak. She reached over to the papers when he jerked his hand back. Cardin stood up and made a malicious smirk like he always done.]

Cardin: Ha! I can't believe that you actually fell for that.

[Cardin dropped the papers and kicked them. The papers became more scattered than they were before.

   Ruby clenched her fists. She wanted to say something but when she opened her mouth, nothing came out. She could hear laughter from behind her. Once again, she felt humiliated.

Bloody Petals {A Rosegarden Fanfiction}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora