Bloody Petals Chapter 3 "The First Bite"

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  [Oscar sighed with a sigh of relief, first day of school is over, he thought. Well, it's not over until he leaves off campus.           

   Oscar tried recalling everything that happend in each class. Thinking that English  would be an easy class was a mistake,  Cardin gave him some-what of a death stare while he got introduced. When he sat down, few other kids that looked liked jocks started mocking him as well. I guess this is what you get for being a newbie, he thought to himself.

   After he finished packing his stuff in his bag, Oscar shut his locker and locked it.
Standing up, he put his bag on and faced the opposite direction. The school was still pretty packed with students.]

Ruby: Oscar wait!

Oscar: Huh?

[Oscar turned around finding Ruby heading  his direction. Was she running? Or was she speed walking like what she did this morning? Oscar couldn't tell because of the crowded students in the hall.]

Ruby[panting]: There you are.

Oscar: Ruby, were you running?

Ruby: Yeah.. But that's not important right now.

Oscar: Uhh...

Ruby: I have a question to ask you.

Oscar: Go on.

Ruby: Are you walking home?

Oscar: Yeah, why?

Ruby: Cuz I'm walking home!

Oscar: Oh, well that's-

Rubyg C'mon, let's wait for Jaune at the front gate.

Oscar: Uhh..ok..
[Ruby and Oscar left the building together and headed towards the front gate. There they saw the blonde boy waiting for them.]

Jaune: There you two are.

Ruby: Heh, did we take long.

Jaune: Nah, I just came early.

[The trio started walking off campus together. There was a small breeze with the Autumn colored leaves being crunched on the ground. Nothing better than an afternoon Fall walk, Ruby thought to herself.]

Ruby: So Oscar, how's your first day of school going? I know it went a bit 'eh' with Cardin.

Oscar: To be honest, it was something I never expected. I was homeschooled for almost all my life, so it's like a different kind of experience.

Jaune: Wait, you were homeschooled?

Oscar: Yeah, from first through ninth grade.

Jaune: Wow, I don't wanna fluster you or anything.

Oscar: Oh no, it's fine.

Ruby: I suppose homeschooling could be a big experience as well?

Oscar: Well uh, I guess you could say that.

Jaune: Wait, Oscar, where do you live?

Oscar: In a neighborhood that is just a couple blocks away.

Ruby: Wait, you mean that neighborhood over there?

[Ruby pointed to houses Southeast. The walls of the houses were painted with a creamy bage color and the roof tiles had a dark brown color.]

Oscar: Yeah, those ones.

Ruby: Yes, we're all neighbors! Isn't that awsome!

Jaune: Yeah, I guess.

Ruby: Oscar what's your house number?

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