Bloody Petals Chapter 5 "A Careless Heart"

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[Note: This chapter is a bit small, but the next one is going to be a big one!]

[The next morning came as Ruby got up and got ready. She had a spare white button-up shirt for her uniform since her bloody one is in the laundry. She combed her hair, and put on her backpack. Just before she headed down the stairs, Ruby realized she forgot something. Ah, the scarf the Oscar gave to her the other day! How could she forget? Ruby needed that scarf to hide the bite mark on her neck. She turned back to get the scarf but stopped to greet her sister that was infront of her.]

Yang: Morning Ruby! Looks like you woke up early for the first time.

Ruby[nevous]: Morning...Yang..Uh..yeah. I did wake up early..

Yang: Why are you so shakey?

Ruby: Oh umm...I don't know?- I mean, [fake coughs] just a small cold.. Heh..

[Ruby tries to pass Yang but Yang stops her. She has a concern look towards her sister. However, Ruby can't let Yang see her bite mark or else. Yang looked closely at Ruby. Oh no, Ruby thought, this is bad.]

Yang: Eh, you look alright.

[Ruby sighed with a sigh of relief. Thank god Yang didn't notice the bits mark. Without saying anything, Ruby started heading towards her room.]

Yang: Ruby, where ya going?

Ruby: Oh uh, I need to get something real quick. Meet you downstairs!

Yang: Alright then!

[Ruby quickly went in her room and tried to find the red scarf that Oscar had given her.  She looked through her drawers, but it wasn't there! Hold up, thought Ruby, didn't I leave it in my closet last night?

   Ruby opened her closet doors and found the red soft scarf neatly hanging in her closet. She put it on and hurried down the stairs.
When Ruby arrived at the kitchen, she sat down and to eat her delicious looking pancakes her Uncle made.]

Yang: There you are. What's with the scarf?

Ruby: Huh? Oh, I thought it was a bit cold.

Yang: Ok, well it looks nice on you.

Ruby: Thanks!

Yang: But I don't remember you ever having that.

Ruby: Oh, a friend gave it to me.

Yang: It still looks nice. [To Qrow] Hey Uncle Qrow, I know lasts nights dinner was good, but these pancakes are better! In fact, they're better than dad's!

Qrow: What can I say, Tai has no match for me when it comes to cooking.

Ruby[mutters]: Well, you can't top dad's chocolate pudding..

Qrow: What's that Rubes?

Ruby: Uh, it's 7:40?

Yang: Wait, what?

Ruby: It's 7:4o?

Yang: We're gonna be late! C'mon Ruby, ditch the pancakes, we gotta go!

Ruby: But, but- fine...

[Ruby and Yang quickly put their shoes on and headed out. They waved their last good-byes to their Uncle Qrow and started their walk to school.]
[After entering the gates to Beacon, Yang and Ruby went inside ths building. Ruby caught sight of Cardin at the end of the hall and shared a devilish grin. But Ruby didn't feel afraid, after all, she was accompanied by Yang, so nothing could go wrong.]

???: Yang! Ugh the power point is going horribly wrong. Oliver deleted two of the slides on purpose, and that Blake girl has done nothing-

Yang: Hold up, [to Ruby] I have to go Ruby, see ya little sis!

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