Bloody Petals Chapter 7 "Caught By The Elderly"

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    [Another week of school passed at Beacon High. It was a Thursday, the day before the PowerPoint for Chemisty was due. Since Oscar is partnered up with Ruby, they split their PowerPoint in two so one can work on one half, and the other works on the other half.

  School was finally dismissed for the students. Ruby made a quick stop by Oscar's locker before she headed out.]

Ruby: Hey Oscar.

Oscar: Oh, hey Ruby. This week went by pretty fast, didn't it.

Ruby: It did, especially with the weather. But Oscar, umm..I'm in a bit of trouble...

Oscar: What is it?

Ruby: So, the project is due tomorrow and I may caused a tiny problem in there. Also I forgot to bring my laptop to school, and I was wondering if you can come over to my house at around five to help me fix it.

   [There was silence between them for about four seconds. Ruby bit her lip.]

Oscar: Sure, we are neighbors after all, so it wouldn't be much of a walk. What was your house number again?

Ruby: 2081.

Oscar: Yeah, I can come around five.

Ruby[fast]: Great! Oh, could you also tell Jaune that I won't be walking with you guys. My Unlce told me that he had some kind of surprise and my sister and I had to come home a bit early, but you get what I mean right?

   [Ruby was speaking a bit too fast and Oscar couldn't understand what she said. All he heard was sister, early, suprise, and uncle.]

Oscar: Uh..yeah, I'll tell him.

Ruby: Ok, see ya later Oscar. Bye!

   [Oscar waved by bye to his friend that was running down the hall. Yep, Ruby was definitely in a rush.]

~~~~~~'~'By the school gates'~'~~~~~~~~~~
   [Ruby headed out the school building and approached the front gates. She was suppose to meet Yang there. If Ruby was lucky enough, she could meet Yang without her freinds. Yang's status at school popularity and she had a group of popular friends that Ruby hasn't met yet, and wishes not to. Yang was also in the girls soccer team, and she's known for her strength. Beacon High beat many other high schools because of Yang. She even has her own shelf in her room that had all her trophies and gold medals of all the games she won.

   Ruby and Yang are known for two different things. Ruby has the title for being the loser of tenth grade while Yang has the title of being the best female athelete at Beacon. However, Yang dosen't know that Ruby is the loser of tenth grade, and Yang is a loveable and caring sister for Ruby. The reason why Ruby doesn't want Yang to know that she's getting bullied is because Yang will lose her temper and use her strength to hurt Cardin. Although Cardin did deserve it, Yang would still get into major trouble which Ruby dose not want to happen to her.

   Ruby spotted Yang by the front gates. Relieved, she sped up her walking and then slowed down again. She saw four different people having a conversation with her sister. One was a girl with tan skin and short emerald green hair with two long strands. Her eyes were bright red, but it didn't glow like Oscar's. Next to her was a  boy with gray hair, pale skin, and gray eyes. Ruby had to admit he was quite of a charm. The next two people that were in the group were two boys with a light tan and blue eyes. However, one had blonde hair while the other had electric blue.

  Ruby carried on walking and was close enough to hear her sister's conversation.]

Yang: Nah, it's ok Em. I'm walking home with my sister today and-

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