Bloody Petals Chapter 11 "Crush At Second Sight"

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[The weekend ended faster than Ruby

had expected. Monday morning arose, and

she woke up in a disappointment when she

saw her sister infront of her bed already w

earing her uniform. She looked over to her alarm clock and saw that it was seven twenty in the morning. Oh my, she must've been a heavy sleeper last night. That should explain why Yang had a furious look on her face.].

Yang: What's up with you this morning? Get out of bed before we get late for school!

Ruby: Alright, alright..

[Ruby yawned as Yang left her room. However, Yang was right though. If Ruby didn't get ready quick enough, they'll be late.

While Ruby was getting ready, she had a bad feeling about this day. Yes, she hates Monday's, but something felt like more was going to happen. She was still vey tired and barely finished applying her makeup when Yang started to constantly knock on the bathroom door telling Ruby if she didn't hurry up, she'll have to miss out on breakfast.

After breakfast, their Uncle Qrow offered to drive his two neices since they were running late. However, all he heard from them before they left the house was, "You're Drunk!" Qrow sighed and looked at Zwei who apparently was still sleeping.]


[When the two sisters arrived at school, Yang splitted off from Ruby without saying good-bye. Ruby assumed she woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. At this point, she didn't even care if she was going to end up late to class. All she wanted to do is to go home and cuddle with Zwei until she falls asleep.

Ruby quickly got her needs out of her locker and went to class. Entering it felt the most awkward since everyone had their eyes on her. Ruby tried to avoid them and take her seat before she got called out by the teacher.]

Mr. Port: Miss Rose, you're late.

Ruby: Sorry sir..

[Ruby quickly took her seat next to Oscar.

Taking out her things, Ruby quitely grumbled under her breath not knowing that Oscar could hear her.]

Oscar: You ok this morning?

Ruby: Mmm yeah..

[Mr. Port cleared his throat and was about to start his lecture. Ruby sat up, but was still looking a bit tired.]

Bloody Petals {A Rosegarden Fanfiction}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon