Guess its just you and me, Ned.

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"Hey, Mr. Stark! It's Peter again.. As you may know. Anyways, I'm done with patrolling so that's why I called I guess. Also! I've found this really pretty spot to watch the sunrise and sunsets from.. I'm actually here right now. Maybe I'll show you sometime. Goodnight, bye."

"Hey, kid. Patrol go right?"

"Yeah, everything went well and I'm about to head home, you kn-,"

"I'm really sorry Peter I have to go. Me and Harley have this thing and he's waiting in the car, I'll call you back tomorrow."

"I'm done with patrol and I'm heading home. You don't have to call back, I'm just checking in that I'm alright. Okay, bye."

"Peter! Hi, you know, now's not a really good time.. We're in the middle of a movie and I don't want to miss anything..."

"Oh.. Okay, I was just calling to say that patrol went well."

"Alright, great. I gotta go, bye."

"B-," Beep.

All of the other times Peter called that week Tony didn't even answer.
Peter had probably left him five voicemails that he now suspects doesn't even get received.

Not once had he heard something from the avengers, but they were probably too busy hanging out with the new Peter.

"What's up with you lately, man?" Ned asked as he shoved the food in his mouth.

Peter could barely hear him through his thoughts. Not even the hundreds of voices surrounding them in the school cafeteria.

"Hello?" Ned slowly waved a hand in front Peter face.

Peter suddenly blinked as he snapped out of his inner mind.

"Huh?" He stared at Ned confusingly.

"I asked: What is up with you lately?" He shoved in another round of food in his mouth.

"It's just the internship and stuff," Peter answer and looked down at his barely touched food, "actually, I was thinking..."

Ned put down the fork on the table to concentrate on the mischievous friend in front of him.

"Maybe we should start up the guy in the chair thing again..?"

Ned's jaw dropped and the second after a big smile appeared on his face.

"Really?!" Students around them stared annoyingly at the two boys.

"Yeah." Peter giggled at Ned's shocking expression.

The rest of the school day went by pretty smoothly.

Happy wasn't there to pick Peter up since they hadn't planned on Peter coming to the tower on beforehand.

Ned stayed over at Peters while they set up all the things that would be needed for a guy in the chair.

"See what I got," Peter handed a headset with a mic to Ned, "Tony made them for me a while ago, they should be perfect to use as communication."

Ned nodded and went through the box of old equipment in Peters room.

Peter packed his suit up and wired it to his Stark computer.

"What are you doing?" Ned asked and stopped poking around in the unusable things left in the box.

"I'm replacing Karen with your headset," Peter bit his underlip and made some equations on the keyboard as a loud click gave away from under the Spider-Man mask.

"You're replacing Karen with me?" Ned shook his head, "No, Peter. What if I can't help you in some situation? What if some big guy with a lightsaber comes at you and I don't know how to help?"

"You'll do fine," Peter reassured Ned, "Karen isn't much help these days anyway." Peter said as he closed the computer and started changing into the suit.

"Use the Stark computer, it has access to its own satellite so you'll get all the info that Karen did." He pressed the spider on his chest and picked up the mask by the bed.

"But," Ned sighed, "I'm not a computer like Karen!"

"Ned, do you remember that I used to dress in sweatpants and a hoodie as Spider-Man? Yeah, I didn't get killed then." With that Peter jumped out the window and started swinging while he tested the new communication settings.

"Testing - testing." Peter let out and a loud bang came from the other end.

"Sorry.. I fell," Ned answered and put the headset on and corrected the mic to the height of his mouth, "let's see what this baby can do." He opened up the computer and he directly got a livestream filming from Peters spidey eyes.

"You see what I'm seeing?" Peter asked.

"Y-Yeah.." Ned was speechless, "Is that what it looks like being Spider-Man?"

On the screen in front on Ned he could basically see what Peter saw. And then he saw how everything went wrong.

"Shit.." Peter mumbled as he tried to fix the webshooter with both his hands. It had stopped working in midair and he was now being pulled down to the ground by gravity.

Peter heard Ned panicking through the mic.

"Hey, it's okay. This happens all the time.." Peter said as he put his arms and legs out to an X.

An extra layer of material appeared and it made Peter look like a flying chipmunk.

Even though the extra material made resistance against the wind, he still flew like a meteor against the surface of the earth.

Ned closed his eyes as Peter hit the ground on the screen.

"Ouch," Peter breathed out and then the last puff of air exited his lungs.

Ned caught a glint of the screen and opened his eyes again.

"Pete? You okay?" He asked as he put the mic closer to his mouth.

Peter blinked a couple of times before sitting up. He'd landed right on his back, causing him so loose his breath for a second.

"Yeah.." He breathed out, "I'm good.."
Peter tried to stand up but the pain in his chest made it hard for him.

If he'd landed just a meter from where he was, he would've been caught by an eight story building, which would definitely had eased his fall.
But as usual, Parker luck.

He leaned onto the nearest building and put pressure on his chest with his hand.

"Dude, you sure you're alright?" Ned asked again, seeing Peters vitals on the screen. "You just fell like one hundred feet..."

"Yeah, yeah.." Peter reassured Ned and started walking his way back to the apartment. "I'm good.."

"Peter, the suit says you broke two ribs," Ned claimed and crossed his arms, "If you actually feel okay right now, you're probably a zombie."

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