56| You Can Paint my Face Like The Mona Lisa?

Start from the beginning

"So I'm tired," Amelia explained. "Please make me a grill of cheese."

I turned around and handed Amelia my plate with the fresh grilled cheese (that was supposed to be mine, but I am a saint) and set it in front of her. "One fresh grill of cheese for Sleeping Beauty," I said.

Amelia didn't even say thanks before she dug in. Apparently, she was starving. I rolled my eyes and turned back to the stovetop to make myself another grilled cheese. I threw on a piece of buttered sourdough bread, some swiss cheese, and then the other piece of bread. The sizzling sound of the grilled cheese doing its magic was beyond satisfying.

I heard the front door open and ignored it. My parents were in town for the next 3 days, so they were probably just coming back home. I continued making my grilled cheese.

Footsteps walked into the kitchen and I heard someone sit down at the counter. "I'll take one of those."

I turned around and there he was: Porkchop. Sitting next to my little sister at the counter in my kitchen, asking for a grilled cheese. Or, not really asking, more-so just ordering a grilled cheese like I was running some kind of restaurant.

"Seriously?" I asked. "How did you get inside my house?"

Porkchop shrugged and lifted up a key. "You gave me a spare."

"I did not give you a spare," I denied, reaching forward to snatch the key from him. "I'll take that. Now, what are you doing here? You're like 2 hours early."

"I just woke up," Porkchop said.

"Same here, buddy. Same here," Amelia said, patting Porkchop's back before returning to her (my) grilled cheese.

"And why did you just wake up? Did you also have a ballet recital last night where you were the lead in Sleeping Beauty?" I asked.

"No, but I wish," Porkchop said. "I spent all night trying to fix a mistake I made."

"What kind of mistake?"

Porkchop sighed. "I may have accidentally... eatenabitofpastainmypromsuitbecauseIwantedtoknowwhatitfeltliketobefancy..."

"Excuse me?" I asked. "You're gonna have to slow that down a bit if you want me to understand, Porkchop."

He sighed again. "I ATE A BIT OF PASTA IN MY PROM SUIT BECAUSE I WANTED TO KNOW WHAT IT WOULD BE LIKE TO BE FANCY!" He exclaimed. "And I may or may not have spilled a tiny bit of red pasta sauce... on my white suit."

Both Amelia and I looked at Porkchop with our mouths dropped open, gaping at his stupidity. This was a new low for him. I mean... pasta in a white suit? What kind of a fool would do something like that?

Ladies and gentleman... Porkchop.

"How much is a tiny bit of red pasta sauce?" I questioned.

Porkchop hung his head low and stood up. "One second," he said and sprinted out of the house.

"This oughta be good," Amelia muttered as I finished making Porkchop's grilled cheese (WHICH AGAIN, WAS SUPPOSED TO BE MINE BUT I AM A SAINT). I set the plate down where he was originally sitting right as Porkchop ran back into the house holding a bag.

He unzipped the bag and revealed the "tiny bit of red pasta sauce" stain. Which, was more like a giant bit of red pasta sauce stain. Like, the red pasta sauce went all the way down from the collar of Porkchop's white button-up onto the jacket and even down to the pants. It made me wonder how on earth Porkchop ate pasta.

"Holy shit," I said.

"Yeah. That's bad," Amelia said, shaking her head. She patted the barstool next to her where he was sitting before he ran out to grab the suit. "Sit. You're gonna need this grilled cheese."

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