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After changing into more comfortable clothes and refreshing themselves with a hot basin of fragrant water Katherine and and Lily made their way down to the dining hall. The room was bustling, in the corner a band played an energetic folk jig, ale and food flowed freely. Lord Ves rushed over to the fair women, bowing at their feet. The inhabitants of the pub seemed uninterested in Katherine's presence, it was nice for once, to be lost in a crowd. Ves led the noble women to the high table, Katherine was seated beside him. The table was laden with rich, roasted meats, honey sweetened vegetables, bitter cheeses and strong chilled ale. Katherine and Lily gladly took their fill, they were famished by the cold and the journey. Lord Ves seemed fascinated by life in the mythological mountain castle.

"Is it true," He began to question Katherine, meanwhile chewing heartily on a mouthful of gammon. "That everything is made of marble? The beds, the doors, the hairbrushes?"

"Mostly marble, there's some gold and pearl too." Lord Ves was struck with awe and greed, what he would give to live like that.

"And is it true that there is a courtyard right at the peak, filled with pure white flowers, and pure white trees?" Katherine was taken back, to childhood days spent in that courtyard, listening to her sisters sing and play the harp while she read of chivalrous knights and distant lands. Of the pure white cherry blossoms that fell in the spring and the iridescent water of the fresh mountain pool.

"Yes, it was truly beautiful. I spent most summer days there." They ate in silence for a while, the food was not as fragrant and delicate as she was used to but she cared little. The ale was strong and the music was full of joy. Lily found herself engaging in conversation with a group of handsome bards, their troupe had travelled the world and had much knowledge to impart.

"Tomorrow we enter the forest." Shared she, hoping for some advice or ease of mind.

"Travelling through the forest of shadows! That is brave." A brunette bearded young minstrel slid into the seat beside her, taking a sip from her cup. The drink and his dark eyes made her young inexperienced heart flutter and leap. She held onto herself, refusing to bend so easily to his advances.

"Oh really, and why is that?" Asked Lily, taking her cup back from the bachelor.

"Tell me your name first, mysterious beauty of the mountain."

"Lily." The bard gasped and pressed his hands against his heart in a dramatic display of adoration.

"Lily of the Valley, Lily of my heart. I am Gustavo, bard, poet, lover." Gustavo took Lily's hand and very gently placed a kiss on the back of it. Lily took back her hand.

"Now, tell me why I must fear the forest."

"Well, the forest of shadows is called the forest of shadows for good reason. It is either haunted by an army of banshees or the trees themselves cry out and whisper. It is a truly terrifying place. Tell me Lily, why do you wish to venture through that cursed place." Gustavo sat idly playing with Lily's fingers.

"I am the protector of the flower of the mountain, I am delivering her to her betrothed. Is the forest truly dangerous or is your head just full of fancy?"

"Flower of the mountain, what a lovely title for a song... I'm not from these lands I'm afraid, who is the flower of the mountain?" With a tiny stub of a graphite Gustavo scrawled the words into a notebook that he kept always in his trouser pocket.

"It is what we call the mountain princesses... the forest Gustavo is it safe?" Lily pushed.

"No physical harm will befall you, Lily of the valley, but even the strongest of men have been known to lose their minds amongst those trees."

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