Used to be "Princeton"

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Princeton Pov

I watched as I seen my ex YN walk away from her boyfriend and up to me as she sighed a lil and walking to my car so we could go to my house and do our project that were assigned to us and I got in and opened the door for her and looked ahead of me as she got i and closed the door and I starts driving to my house and shortly pulled up and being the nice person that I am. I opened the door for her.

"Look. Don't do this, i ain't handicapped" she said and I scoffed a lil and walked up to my door and as she started walking in behind me I shut the door in her face and she groaned and opened it and walked in and placed her bookbag on the couch and looked at me and I looked back at her and examined the necklace she was wearing with her boyfriend's initials on it and, I started remembering she use to wear a necklace I gave her with mines on it and i sat next to her and sighed and she looked at me.

YN pov

"We starting or nah?" you asked chewing my gum and looking at your phone and then at him as he looked back at you and raised his eyebrow.

"What happened to you?" He asked.

"What you mean what happened to me? We here to do a project not have personal conversations ,now could you please start cause I will do this with out you" you said kinda raising my voice and he grabbed my face and pressed his lips against mines and laid you down and got between your legs and calmed you all the way down and you kissed him back and brushed your lips against his and felt your pussy throbbing and pulled away and looked at him and bit your lip asking for more and leaned in and kissed me again this time adding tongue and you grabbed his back and started moving my hands up his hair and touching his curls and kissed down my neck taking my shoes and panties off and looked in my eyes.

"We ain't like we used to be" He said to picking you up and carrying you to his room.

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