Favorite class

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I couldn't decide on who to add in this imagine so you'll have to decide for yourself. Anyone you'd like to pick, and as a desired figure towards the story.


"Shhh I'm trying to do my work!" You whispered to your friend and kicked her desk as you began to right something on your paper and slowly look to the right of you eying the boy that has been staring at you every day of this week as you quickly looked down and continued to write.

"Coach, let me use the restroom" He said standing up out of his desk and walking to the door as your gay friend Jay tapped you lightly and whispered.

"He's staring at you." He said as you looked over at the boy and seeing his slight erection in his pants ha tried to cover up and looked in his face as he bit his lips at you and gave a small smile and looked back down at the paper as he left and you just started smiling.

"Oh shit. Here he come" You said as you seen the teacher stand up from his desk and walk over to your section of the class and just stare at you.

"So, how you doing today Ms. (Your last name)?" He asked and you ignored and continued to do your work.

"You hear me?" He said ad he touched your shoulder and you looked up at your shoulder the him.

"Can you go back to yo desk? Why you touching me, cause i don't like you." You said as you brushed your shoulder off with your hand and kept doing your work as he started laughing and walking to his seat.

"You always messing with her!" Some random person in the classroom said and everyone started laughing, then the door opened. And there it was, him. The main reason you come go this class, and to go off on your teacher every day. But besides that you watched him walk to his seat and sit down as he looked at you and your quickly looked down at your paper.

"Ayye, she like-" Jay was saying to him as you covered his mouth and stared at him.

"Can you not?" Then the bell rang and you started gathering your things together to leave and go to your bus as you walked out the door and into the crowd as you got yanked into a class meeting face to face with that boy.

"I don't know where to start, but i respect it if you'd stop staring at me while I'm tryna do my work." He said and started laughing and you just stared at him with a straight face.

"You corny as fuck, you know that? " you said as he started laughing and you just smiled a little and watched as he grabbed your face and brought you closer to him.

"Would it be corny, if i do this?" He says and he slowly placed a kiss on your lips and you kissed back and you both pulled away and stared at each other and smiled.

"I'll see you tomorrow Ms.(your last name)" he said as he left the class and you touched your lips and smiled and started back on your journey to the bus.


It's been a while since I updated. :3 my bad. And I'll try to get to the imagines if I don't.... you know the real.

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