Chapter 2

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Authors note:

I only have one person to read this but that's enough I guess but can you guys send like a recommendation to other people? I would really appreciate it.


The rest of the day is such a bore I don't bother staying. Right now it's lunch time and I'm going through the hole in the fence by the tennis court. This is the smoke lounge or at least that's where all of the people who smoke go. I'm half way through the fence when that kid calls my name.

"What do you want?" I say as I'm backing out of the hole to look at him.

"Well I was um... Where are you going?" He asked.

"I'm um going home I don't feel well" I say slowly. I've always been a bad liar.

"Oh well okay then.... Bye" Marcus said.

I wave my hand a little and go through the hole in the fence. I like leaving school this way because the woods are right here. I take off running as soon as I'm off school campus. I run for about 10 minutes before slowing to a walk. I smile when I see the clearing ahead. I step into the clearing and I see my beautiful home. I have a simple 1 story home but the only problem is I'm alone. My parents died in a car crash when I was four. I was adopted by a scientist and I ran away because he experimented in me and now I'm 98% human and 2% bird. I to one of the trees and put my bag down and take off my jacket and put it by my bag. As soon as I take off my jacket my wings come out. Yes wings I told you 2% bird. My wings are a light brown with white spots on them and they are 13 feet long. I roll my shoulders and do a running take off. I jump and push my wing muscles down. I can feel the wind catch my wings and I smile softly. Then I heard something. "Whoa!" In startled and quickly fall. I hit the ground with a thud and pull my wings close to my back and run for my jacket. I pull it on and turn to see Marcus. "That was so cool" he said. "I um you can't tell anyone please" I'm practically begging him and two seconds from getting on my knees.

"Okay" he said slowly "but why it's so cool"

"Because I'll be taken" I said quickly "and why did you follow me home?"

Because your a bad liar" he says with a smirk.

I glare at him "if you tell I'll kill you i promise you" with that I walk back inside. I watch from my window as he walks away. "I have to leave now, maybe I could just go back to my foster father" I say out loud. With that I grab a duffle bag and put all my clothes in my bag and a picture of my parents.

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