Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

"Well isn't this very cute" I hear someone sigh. "I told her, and she didn't believe me"

"Personally I think they are taking its to extremes. Its only us here. No cameras or wandering eyes" someone else laughs.

"Give it a rest Jo" I think its Annie thats telling the other voice off.

I open my eyes and remember where I am suddenly. Peeta's tight embrace it protecting me. I am cocooned against his muscled body. No wonder the others are making such a big deal they didnt know about Peeta and I. Damn. I guess this silly bet is over.

"Peeta!" I whisper "Babe wake up" his eyelids flutter open. A wicked smile crosses his face and he pulls me closer.

He completely ignores everyone else in the room and pulls me in for a long kiss, ignoring my objections about morning breath.

Once he releases me he simply smiles. "Good morning sunshine" and he winks.

Everyone is silent. Gobsmacked. Even i am, the first person to even make a sound is the last person i expected it to be.

"Peet! Dude, eww. I'd love to give you lad points and congratulate you on that but. No. Just eww." Gale sighs. "Shes practically my sister, let alone my cousin." He pretends to vomit. While Peeta laughs I blush a deep shade of red.

"When.. Since.. How lon.." Jo yells. "Argh. How long has this been going on for?" She groans.

"Sadly only since yesterday" Peeta cheerily tells them.

"Look before you all start we have no time for this. Its time Katniss faced day 2" Finn states while looking at the clock.

"Annie we have cheer, I will be back in 40. Be ready and have some sort of breakfast in you hand ready for me to eat." And Johanna is gone. I honestly dont get how she does that.

"Finn man lend me some clothes. My bikes not here and theres no point me walking home only to meet you here to travel to school together" Gale moans.

Annie and Finn do their weird telepathic communication thing and Finn walks out with Gale trailing behind slowly.

"Peet, go home and get ready. Be at Kats in 30." Annie demands. He kisses me on the top of the head and strolls out.

"Come on you. Since I'm ready I'm going to help you." My arm is nearly pulled out of its socket as she leads me out the room.


Right on time Peetas knocking on my door, brown bag in hand.

"Hiya.." Once again he pulls me in for a kiss. "Hmm i could get used to this" I smile.

"I bet you could." He mumbles into my hair. "Here i brought you some food. I didnt think you would have anytime to eat." He releases me and we walk over towards the car.

Once inside I open the brown bag and see there are 2 cheese buns sitting happily in the middle. The mouthwatering smell coming from them is all I need before i go straight in and rip one in half and take a massive bite.

"Omg! Yumm!" I embarrassingly moan as i swallow the food. "Now i see why Jo and Finn call you Buns" quickly i demolish both buns.

I sit there thinking about how I could easily get used to this. Peeta is actually mine. Friends like Annie and Jo looking out for me. Gale! I finally have my brother back. And Finn, he'd kill me if i left him out of that equation. It seems to me like we are becoming one big family.

Like this morning Annie came round, to help me. Apart from her squeezing me into this ridiculous tight dress that Peeta already loves, and my 'killer' heels. Also let me tell you, yes they do kill. She helped me do my hair, by twisting my usual braid around my head or something. The she assisted Effie in doing my makeup.

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