Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I do not own the hunger games, or characters or take any of the credit it all goes to suzzane Collins

A boy with deep blue eyes makes his way towards me. He leaves his group of whispering friends. His blonde hair is blowing in the wind. Grinning at me like we have known each other for years. Who is he? God his eyes are dreamy. Stop Katniss. I need to focus, I have no time for friends, or boyfriends...

You need to look after Prim. You know how Mother is now. After Father left when I was 11, mother went into deep depression. A year ago we managed to pull

her out, mainly by Prim begging and crying constantly. She pulled through, but turned to alcohol. Considering her brothers an alcoholic, Mother thought since he still has a life she could too.

She was completely wrong. When Mother isn't working in the hospital, she drinks, and drinks. When she's drunk, she can get, erm.. Violent... Prim comes to me crying at some of the things she has had yelled at her. Mother cannot stand me, she says I look to much like Father, and how she hates him, and me too. It used to bother me, I've gotten used to, just her second nature.

That's why I need to look after Prim, I have no time for other Friends that's why I need to get away before anything happens. I can't have more people depending on me. Its only been me and Prim since I was 11. 5 years later, I still don't think I'm ready to move on. I can't let this charming boy effect me...

I turn around and slam into a angry looking girl. She now wears her lunch all over the front of her expensive looking top. It causes my books to fall on the floor, and the boy comes rushing over and helps me pick them up. The brunette girl who I ran into is giving a the death glare while her friends try and clean her 'organic' chicken casserole and bean soup off her shirt.

"I'm so sor..." I begin to apologise.

"Don't you ever come near me again you disgusting poor rat!" She yells at me. "I've had enough of your type in our district! Go away no one wants you here!" The whole lunch room has frozen. Some people stare in shock. Other sit there giggling.

I've had enough of all this. I have known these people for years! We have grown up together and they treat me like this. They have no clue what I go through! I get this all the time. A different bitch each day! Always having a go at me. It is nether their faults.

The brunette turns to her friends thinking she's had the last word, well not this time. "What gives you the right to talk to me like that! What have I done to you?" Slowly she turns on her heels "I started to apologise, its not my fault you have no flipping manners!" She did not expect me to say that.

Next thing I know she's sitting on top of me and slapping me across the face. I try and push her off me. She won't budge. I kick my feet but that doesn't even work.

"Stop moving rat." She spits at me. "Let me finish you off"

"Katniss! Katniss, look at me!" The boy with blue eyes is calling me. How does he know my name? I never seen him before.

"Katniss come on we need to go" a deep growling voice slurs in my ear. "I'm here to take you and Prim."

I open my eyes and its not the vicious brunette from the lunch room but my Uncle pinning me down.

"Katniss stop moving. Sit still for one second will you!" Haymitch snarls. I stop moving at look at him. His hairs still the same, and he's just as drunk as ever. "I need to take you and Prim with me to district 12. Your Mother is not well enough to look after you anymore. She can't cope."

Finally we have a chance to escape! Uncle Haymitch and Aunt Effie can look after us now, we can have a safe place to stay. No more worrying if Mother will snap and hurt Prim, she can be safe!

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