Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

"We haven't exactly been honest with you Katniss" Peeta starts "the thing is this district, it isn't as it all seems. It's not the exact safe haven we have made it out to be." He glances at the others for help.

"As it is such a small place, gossip travels quickly" Finnick continues "and certain families hold a lot of power around here. People like to believe what they hear. And are easily... erm" Finnick pauses and looks at Johanna.

"Controlled" she snorts "that's defiantly the word to describe what happens around here." She looks pissed off. "Look, Coriolanus Snow is an extremely powerful man. Not only is he the President of many organizations and companies he is very high up when it comes to the government." Johanna explains with a look that is quite comforting. Who would have known? Johanna has feelings like the rest of us!

"People tend to joke that if we left Panem and became an independent country Snow would no doubt be our president." Gale snarls. "Whatever Snow says happens. If not others suffer."

"Okay, thanks for the thumbs up. I will make sure nothing happens." I tell them. It's good that they have told me. I would hate to be 'controlled' as Jo explained it.

Everyone in the room is looking at each other. All of them trying to avoid eye contact with me, their gazes finally settle on Haymitch. Who has been silently sitting next to me.

"Katniss, listen to everything I have to say before you react." My uncle asks. I simply nod and turn to face him, so my back is facing Peeta who is sitting on my other side.

"Majority of us in this room are all being controlled by Snow in one way or another. Take Finnick for example, he went off the rails a few years ago after his family won the lottery. His parents had already had more money than they ever needed but still they became wealthier. All their attention turned to money and not there only son. Leaving Finnick to fend for himself. Eventually they completely abandoned him, leaving him with a massive sum of money in his bank and a house. Of course Snow knew all of this was going on, and expected Finnick to carry on with his masquerade he created himself whilst rebelling. Due to Finnick's good looks he was already a ladies man, but his flirtatious manner topped it all off. Snow took advantage of all of this and he makes Finnick... sleep around" my jaw drops and I gasp. What a horrible thing. How twisted is this man? "Clearly at first Finnick objected and maintained a normal life not caring if anyone knew his business. Then walks in Annie. Her father is a strict man who works away often, also leaving Annie to fend for herself. Once Annie and Finnick started dating Snow finally had leverage to hold against Finnick." Haymitch finishes up, I am so shocked I can't even move. "And that kids is how Coriolanus Snow works."

I glance over to Annie and Finnick and feel privileged to know the real them, and thankful to how easily they have let me into their group. I do not even know how they function.

"Why do I sense that it's not all of it?" I demand I turn to look at Peeta but realized as the stories gone on I've managed to end up in his lap! How embarrassing! Wait a second he's got his arms wrapped around me. Crap! What is going on today?

As I turn red as a poppy I shuffle closer to my uncle and face Peeta. The second I'm out of his arms I feel like something's missing. It's like part of me was taken with him. Stop. I need to focus this is serious. I turn to look into Peeta's eyes.

With a sigh he answers me "I am so sorry Katniss. I have not managed to keep away from you and have drawn people's attention towards us. You see, at school we have clicks and groups, it's all ranked on the social ladder, at the top there's the tributes and the victors. Everyone at school is supposed to look up to us as we are "higher" than them. The victors consist of Finnick, Johanna, Annie, Gale, myself and now you." I see the pain in his eyes as he continues, "due to the status issue, we are not supposed to show others lower than us anything more than the necessary. Trust me none of us wanted it to be like this, and because of this we are sort of famous in this district, we all have qualities that attract others hence why Snow needs us at his dispense. So being with you alone, and in a very public place is suggesting more than it actually was. One of the girls in a click below spotted us together and instantly reacted to it badly saying looks like another Victors "taken". It just happens that this girl's father was one of Snows media producers and people have been taking pictures of us all afternoon." I think the only thing I got out of that was that Peeta said it was a struggle keeping away from me. Does he have feelings for me too?

"Brainless I don't think you fully understand what your uncle and lover boy other there are implying" Johanna accuses. "Snows not going to be happy, if he finds out that you two are not an official couple, pft not yet anyway" she mutters the last remark "he will look like a fool if people see how easily Brainless has moved up the social ladder. People will start complaining about how a new girl can overwrite what has been set in families for years. This social ladder isn't just a school thing it carries on afterwards as well. However if Snow introduces her as his new Victor, a winner and not just some new girl, he can sell it. Brainless look, we need to find you a talent. A reason for you to be hanging out with us in the first place, it's great that you live here, in the victors village, yeah I know funny right our group was named after the richest part in the district" she snorts "but most of all you and Peety are going to have to keep up your relationship for appearances." Johanna smirks.

I realize how much trouble I'm in if I fail this all. I guess it's not just my reputation that's on the line here, it everyone's.

Annie, who has been sitting silently with tears running down her petite face glances over to me realizing I'm not truly understanding it all. "Katniss these games don't just end when we finish school. This is your life now. You and Peeta are going to be a couple." She has a small smile on her face.

I realize that I'm in this for good. I understand it now. Peeta and I are going to have to convince everyone that we're in love...

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