Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

"And you must be Katniss?" A voice behind us startles me. I turn around a find a man who must be in his 30s, still waiting for an answer.

"Hi Cinna! Its been such a long time, hows Portia and Rue? I apologise i havent been round in ages." Peeta sighs, as if theres some hidden knowledge in that statement. "Katniss this is Cinna, Effies friend" Peetas usual grin has returned and hes looking at me again.

"Hello, my aunt sent me here" i mutter quietly to Cinna. They begin to chuckle. Cinna leads me into a room in the back.

"Katniss, from what I've heard you are not going to like what I'm about to do but i need you to trust me." He looks up at me and smiles a warm and friendly smile. "Im going to need you to not moan about anything im putting on you until you've seen it on. They may look awful but still go with it." With out wanting to sound rude,i just knod my head. Ugh. I hate dresses! And skirts.

Where has Peeta gone? Isnt he supposed to be making sure I'm alright? Ugh I give up. I think im nearly at the stage were I don't care if if he dressed me in a clown suit. At least then Peeta might notice me!

Talk of the devil and he will appear. Peeta stands in the door way looking rather angry. Gosh hes cute when hes angry. It makes his strong jawline stand out. Katniss snap out of it! I warn myself.

Peeta marches over to Cinna, I can hear him muttering about it all being his fault. He leans down to Cinna whose sitting in a chair opposite me.

I can tell by Cinnas face, that Peeta does not bare good news. Both of the men standing before me look furious. I wonder whats wrong. I really hope it isnt my fault...

"Change of plans. Peeta go call Haymitch and fill him in, Katniss your going to hate this even more but I have no other choice." Cinna looks devastated.

Peeta wonders off to the main shop while Cinna leads me through a door I didn't even realise was there a minuet ago. We go up the small stair case and into the room at the top.

Inside is a row of mirrors, and clothes hung everywhere. They are amazing! I have never been this amazed by clothes. Cinna works wonders. Why are they not downstairs with everything else?

"Katniss, you will not understand this but your going to have to step out of your comfort zone." Cinna says calmly. I start to feel like I'm regretting coming out today...


Over 2 hours later Cinna has given me over two months worth of clothes and instructions to wear what with what. Im never allowed to wear the same clothes twice, and I must always wear the clothes Cinna has designed.

Peeta and I are sitting in a local cafe, that he swears by. Ive ordered a coffee and a small cake and hardly drunk any of it. Peet keeps looking up at me from across the table. Every time he tries to start a conversation I only talk where I'm needed to.

I just don't understand whats going on today. What could of changed from me and Peeta standing outside Cinnas together, to him getting a phone call. It just doesn't make sense why am I being treated this way?

"Katniss" Peeta reaches across the table and grabs my hand. "We need to go, we have something to tell you."

We walk out of the shop still hand in hand. Neither of us realising but never letting go of the other. Its almost as if I will lose him if I let go.


With in an hour we are all sitting at Finnick's. They are all refusing to tell me whats going on until whoever we are waiting for arrives. Gale is sitting there silently, even Johanna's being nice to me! What is wrong with everyone!

When my uncle comes stumbleing in thats when I loose it. "WHAT IS GOING ON!" I yell glaring at Peeta. Everyone stays quiet. "You have been acting weird since that phone call! Can someone please tell me whats going on" Ive ended up standing in the middle of the room with everyone around me.

All eyes turn to Peeta and Haymitch. "Are you telling her or am I boy?" Haymitch questions. Peeta nods.

"Very well then. Sit down sweetheart its along story..."

A New Chance of HopeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ