Chapter 4

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Annie and I collected the pizza and walked back to the others, while we where gone everyone had reshuffled and I ended up sitting between Gale and Peeta. Some how I found this worse than earlier.

After we watched some romance movie Annie had chosen, I had decided to walk back to Haymitchs. Little did I know Peeta lives right at the bottom of the road so he offered to walk me back. Politely I accepted.


"What do you think of everyone?" Peeta says breaking the tension.

I reply honestly "This morning I was dreading coming out. I didnt want to spend time with people I didnt know. But Im very grateful you have all welcomed me."

"Its a pleasure Katniss, Effie and Haymitch do so much for Finn its hard not to want to help them out." Peeta modestly replies.

"I feel as if I also owe you a proper introduction." Peeta says while smiling. "My name is Peeta, I hope you gathered that by now" he laughs. "My parents own the company Mellarks Bakerys" I knew his surname was familiar! "I love to paint and bake." He pauses. "Now what about you miss Everdeen, anything worth my time?" He questions

"Urmm..." What do i say? "Im used to live in district 4, I have a little sister called Prim and she means the world to me" there that should do it. He looks at me as if he was going to say more but stops himself.

"Well it has been a pleasure to meet you, Katniss. Here is where we shall depart our separate ways." He says in a big goofy manner.

"Talk to you tomorrow" he says and then he's gone. How does he do that?

"Bye then Peeta" I mutter to the shadows.

Once Ive walked up the driveway and into the house, I realise the lateness of the hour. Haymitch is sitting on the sofa while Effies in the chair.

"Shhh... Be quiet" Effie tells me while I take off my shoes and go and sit next to my Uncle.

"What do you think of the boys friends?" My uncle questions.

"Finnick and his friends where very welcoming. Annie is a very kind girl." I explain.

"Well thats okay, they have promised to take you shopping tomorrow!" Effie squeals. "You still need to fill up your wardrobe, and customise your room! And OMG we haven't gotten you a mobile phone!" Effie says this as if its the worse thing ever.

"I honestly dont need all them things Effie, I will be fine." I tell her

"Nonsense, you will not be able to communicate with your friends otherwise!" She exclaims

Since being here theres one thing I've learnt, not to disagree with Effie. She doesn't take no for an answer!

"Okay Effie, I will see what Annie and Finnick are doing tomorrow." I promise. She looks impressed, probably thought id put up more of a fight. Being here must be changing me. I kinda like not having the stress of feeding the family on my plate. Everything seems more relaxed.

The people here are a lot nice too. I really feel as if Annie and even Jo can become good friends of mine. And Finnick is a caring person and I owe him my life for getting me out of 4. He helped save Prim so he's already earned my respect.

Im really glad Gale is here, I've not seen him forever. He used to be my only friend then he left me and i was alone all on my own, no one at school liked me all used to call me names. It good to know Gale will always be here for me now.

Im not really sure what to think about Peeta. He seems so kind, he is very good looking. I bet all the girls like him. Annie seems certain he was interested.

As i go to sleep in my over sized bed, the last thought I have is about Peeta and what it would be like if he was mine....

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