Chapter XVIII

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Music: Deep Sea from Dragon Spirit Arcade

Sean, Heath, and I were currently in the forest, searching for anyone who could help us out with Elle, who was currently unconscious. It didn't take long for us to find someone, thankfully. We came across someone who appeared to be a hunter. He was down on one knee, aiming a shotgun at something. He was wearing... what you'd typically see a hunter wear, and had a long beard.

Once we saw the man in our sights, the three of us ran towards him. I yelled, "Sir! Please! You've gotta help us!"

The man put his gun up on his shoulder, and stood up. He was a good half foot or so taller than us. "What do you kids need? You lost or something?"

"We've got a friend passed out, and we don't know what to do. We were just looking for someone who could help," I pleaded to the hunter, my hands together as if begging for mercy.

The hunter raised an eyebrow at us, and for a second, I was afraid he'd reject our request. But the man chuckled and said, "Alright. Take me to your friend and I can help."

"Thank you so much," I said. The three of us led the man back to Sam and Elle. Sam was rubbing Elle's forehead repeatedly and slowly. When he saw us arrive, he said, "Nothing to report here."

The hunter laid down by Elle's side and felt her forehead. Then he proclaimed, "Definitely heat stroke. I can help ya kids out with that. Just follow me."

The hunter definitely seemed trustworthy, so we did follow him. He carried Elle all the way back to a cabin, which I assumed was where he was currently staying. Sean opened the front door, and the man yelled, "Phil! I've got a girl passed out here!"

Another man, about as tall and beardy as the other man, walked into the main room and yelled, "Well, not every day ya see that, huh? Lay 'er down on that couch over there, and I'll fetch her some water."

The man did so, and Heath, Sam, Sean, and I sat on the couch adjacent to the one Elle was on. Then the hunter asked us, "What are y'all doing out in the middle of a forest?"

We immediately looked at each other, unsure of what to say. Lucky for us, Sam's good at acting. "Our families live around here. Our parents all occasionally get together to do some hunting as well, and we just wandered off."

"Hmm... interesting," the hunter said, nodding. "What are your names?"

"I'm Sam. To my right is Shanna, Heath, and Sean," Sam said, waving his arm in our direction as he said our names. "The passed-out one is Elle."

"What sweet children you are," the hunter smiled. "I'm Rob. Nice to meet ya."

Right then, Elle began coughing, and woke up. Groggily, she moaned, "What... what happened? Where am I?"

Phil walked back to us just then, holding a glass of water. He gave the glass to Rob, and he pressed it gently to Elle's lips. She drank it, and then proceeded to sit up as if she was perfectly fine. "That's weird... I feel fine now."

"The heat just got to ya. That's all," Rob said. "And in case you're wondering, your friends are over there." He pointed to us as he said that.

So Elle goes from feeling sick and fainting to feeling just fine? That's not normal.


Music: Toy Pop game room from Namco Museum Vol. 1

Elle recovered almost instantly after waking up. It was kinda... strange. But anyways, the hunter offered for us to stay at his cabin until he could get in contact with our parents, but Heath said, "No... we'll head back on our own here, soon. Thanks for the offer, though."

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