Chapter XXI

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Music: Let's Play With the Master from Jikkyou Oshaberi Parodius

I stood a good distance away from Greed, getting ready to fight him. I said to him, "Let's see who's better with their magic."

"It's on, Sam," Greed snarled at me. With that, he charged at me, throwing spikes out of his hand. I gave myself quick reflexes and I was able to dodge them all. Greed ran past me, but did a backflip to land right in front of me.Then he grabbed me by both my arms and flipped me over onto my back, but I threw a force of energy right at him, which knocked him over.

Both of us got up quickly and I threw a series of fireballs while running around him in a circle, but he made a water shield to counteract. I charged up an energy orb, but couldn't fire it, as Greed made both of his arms claws. He grabbed me with one of them, and spun me around for a while before eventually throwing me into a wall.

Dizzy and aching all over, I got up slowly, wiping blood from my mouth. I charged at Greed with another energy orb, and he grabbed me by both my arms. But I turned both of my hands into fireballs, which burned his hands, and he used his magic to cool them off. While he was doing so, I kneed him right in the place where the sun don't shine.

Greed crawled quickly to try and get away from me, but I made one of my hands a claw and pinned him to the ground with it. I made a hammer appear in my other hand, and I began whacking him repeatedly right in the head. After a while, there was blood all over his head, and he was surely dead.

I got up, breathing heavily from exhaustion, and looked at the rest of the group, who were now staring at me in awe. I said, "That was actually pretty fun," which only proceeded to make them look at me like I was crazy.


Music: The Megami Ramei from Jikkyou Oshaberi Parodius

Because Sean and I were siblings, it was declared that our fight would be 2-on-2: Us versus Lust and Pride.

We stood at one side of the battlefield, and a blimp flew in from overhead. A huge sign came up with the words, "SINS OF POWER" on it. A gigantic box made out of bricks was lowered by the blimp. Soon, tons of blocks were being punched out by the two Sins. They were Lust and Pride.

Sean and I stood in a fighting stance together, and charged for our two opposites. I grabbed Pride by both of her arms, and she knocked my feet out from under me. But I still held her arms, so I flipped her over as well. Sean then walked over to her as I got up quickly, and we both slammed Pride through the floor, and she fell through. Apparently, the battlefield we were in was floating in mid-air, so she fell through to the earth below.

But we forgot about Lust for a split second. Behind us, he was charging one of Sean's special moves, a Speed Kick. He ran for us with his feet out, but my athletic skills saved me here. I backflipped over Lust as Sean barely managed to roll to the side in time. Lust lost his balance and fell through the hole we made for Pride, gripping his hands on the ledge. Sean and I walked over to him, and he pleaded, "Please, spare me. I'll do anything."

Sean and I looked at each other, shook our heads no, and then looked at Lust and said, "Naw." Then the two of us each grabbed one of Lust's hands, and plucked it free. We watched as Lust fell through, having the same fate his sister had.

Sean and I walked back over to the group proudly, and high-fived once we got back.


Music: Choo Choo Cat Train from Jikkyou Oshaberi Parodius

It was time for me to fight my opposite- Sloth.

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