Chapter IV

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Music: Inside Mission from Gradius Gaiden

I was exhausted after checking all of the rooms. Luckily, Chomata and I found some food and water. We went back to check on the others.

But nobody was there.

"Um Luke, where are the others?" Chomata asked. I didn't know, but then I saw the open vent. Oh, they are so in trouble, I thought.

"When we find them again, I'm giving them a piece of my mind," I growled. But then we heard a screaming from nearby. A screaming that couldn't have come from the Sins.

"Chomata, I heard someone. We're not the only people left here," I said urgently. We dropped the supplies off in our room and ran outside to find Lust, Pride, and Envy (respectively: Sean, Shanna, and me) attacking a grown man who appeared to be the manager.

"Hey Envy. What up dude? Psycho plan to stop us still working?" I asked, being sarcastic but still trying to be calm.

"Oh, shut up, Luke. You'll never stop us," Envy laughed. He looked to Lust and Pride, and sneered, "Lust, Pride. Take the manager out. I'll handle these two."

"You got it," Pride said with glee. She and Lust began beating up on the manager. Chomata and I stood and watched in horror, but then Envy charged for me with fire on his arms. I clapped my hands and made a tower going up, protecting us from harm. I turned my hand into a sword arm, and looked at Chomata and said, "I'm going in."

I leaped down at the Sins with my sword arm, but Envy saw me coming. He grabbed Lust and Pride, who were carrying the unconscious manager. They then disappeared into the nothingness, and I got my sword arm stuck in the ground. I transformed by arm back to normal, and muttered, "Damn it."

We neared the room, got in and slammed the door. I clapped my hands and merged the door into the wall, looking like there was never a room there.

"Well, we better find them. Who knows what kind of trouble they've gotten themselves into," Chomata said. We jumped into the vent. We kept on nearing for the light.

"I can't believe it! They left us for dead and went to escape!" I yelled. After we got outside, we got to the shack we sorta-guessed they were in, and lucky us, they were.

"They're about to fucking pay," I growled right before I kicked the door open.


Music: Fighting Penclow!? from Jikkyou Oshaberi Parodius

One minute, I'm lying in my sleeping bag, sleeping soundly. The next, I hear a door being kicked open, and what sounds like Luke yelling. For a second, I was frightened that the Sins had found us, but it was just normal Luke and Chomata, pissed off incredibly.

"What the hell is this!?" Luke sputtered as he walked around our shack. "You went ahead and escaped, without telling us, and then made your own shelter?"

"It was Sam's idea," I said quickly. Sam heard me and stomped on my foot hard.

Luke glared at him angrily. "What kind of a friend are you, leaving Chomata and I for dead like that?"

"In my defense, I didn't know if you two would be back or not. We were GOING to allow you here, but I guess you don't care enough, you asshats," Sam said angrily at Luke.

"Take that back," Chomata growled, clenching a fist.

"Make me."

Luke charged for Sam, but I grabbed ahold of him and kept the kid in an arm lock. He yelled, "OW! Let me go, you bastard!"

Then Chomata went invisible, which he tends to do when he's angry. Thankfully, when he did, Sam was ready. He closed his eyes and I heard a gasp from a dangerously close distance away. Chomata returned to normal, glaring at him.

"If you act like we're cannon fodder, then maybe you don't need us!" he growled.

"FINE!" Anastasia, Sean, Shanna, Sam, and I yelled.

"FINE!" Chomata and Luke yelled. They stormed towards the doors and Luke opened them, but standing there was Envy.

Music: Game Over from Super Mario 64

"HERE'S JOHNNY!" he cackled, grinning. All of the Sins then came in and took their respective lookalike. No matter how hard we struggled, we couldn't escape their grasp. The last thing Luke muttered before we were carried away was, "And this is why we should've stuck together."

I couldn't help but agree.

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