Chapter VI

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Music: Speed from Salamander 2

As soon as Envy dragged Luke's body away, we all burst into freak-out mode. "They just... they just stabbed him!" Chomata cried out.

Soon, everyone was squabbling and shouting and just overall freaking out. I stood on top of a bed and yelled, "CALM DOWN!" which amazingly quieted everyone down.

"Okay," I began to say, "Luke's probably really, really hurt right now. Along with escaping, we've gotta rescue Luke now."

"Sam. Luke's dead, straight and simple. We all saw him get stabbed, we all saw him collapse to the ground. And we're next. We may be alive right now, but we're gonna be dead soon, Sam," Heath told me.

"I refuse to believe you," I growled. "And I will prove it! I will go out and find Luke even if none of you want to help me!" I almost stormed out of the quarters to go find my friend, but Shanna firmly grabbed my arm.

"Sam, calm down. Heath's just overreacting. We'll help you out," she told me calmly. Sean and Chomata (Heath left for some reason) nodded, and I took a deep breath.

"I just want to know- why did he go out in the first place?" Sean asked, puzzled.

"Probably to sacrifice himself, or something. Maybe he thinks the Sins want him, and if they take him away, he'll let us go," Chomata shrugged.

I frankly found the fact that he left after we found out Anastasia was doing poorly interesting, but I didn't say anything. Shanna wiped a tear from her eye and said softly, "How heroic of him."

"Y'know, Sam's right," Sean nodded. "Luke might be dead, but there's a chance he's not. And there's only one way to find out."

I smiled. "I like your thinking, Sean. Let's think of a plan."

Then I heard coughing, and Heath ran back into the cubby, a fearful look on his face. "We kinda have another problem on our hands."

"What?" Chomata asked.

"Anastasia's sick."


Right after Heath said that, we all ran to Anastasia's quarters. Sure enough, she was throwing up in her toilet and hacking up a lung with her coughing. She looked at us and yelled, "It's okay, just leave me alone. Let me die in peace."

All of us stared at her, mouths wide open. We knew Anastasia was struggling with coping here, but we didn't think it was that bad. Sam sat down by her side and said calmly, "Anastasia, it's alright. We're just about to think of a plan to escape."

Chomata's eyes then lit up, as if a light bulb went off in his head. "You guys, I've got a plan."

Music: Mashup of Koopa's Road from Super Mario 64, Super Mario Galaxy, and Super Mario Galaxy 2

Everyone except Anastasia excitedly ran back into the cubby (Anastasia did it unexcitedly). Chomata began talking. "Okay, this plan is going to be complicated. It'll start off with Sean and Shanna breaking through the walls of our quarters. Afterwards, we'll make our way to the storage room. Luke figured out that the key to the front doors of Fish Mart is hidden in there, so I'll use my invisibility to sneak in there with Heath and grab the key.

"From there, we need to rescue Luke. Chances are, he'll be guarded, and not by the Sins. That's where Anastasia comes in."

"I don't think I can manage it," Anastasia moaned. "Not in this condition."

"Sam and I will help you look better," Shanna suggested with a smile. Anastasia returned the smile, probably the first time she has smiled since we got kidnapped.

"Alright. Then this plan is a go," Chomata grinned. I looked to Shanna and we both nodded.

"Let's do this," I said to her.


To be honest, I wasn't sure if my plan would work. But it's the best we've got right now, especially with Luke possibly dead.

It all started off fine- Sean and Shanna using their strength to break out of our quarters, and then making our way to the storage room. I became invisible, and then grabbed Heath so he could become invisible as well. The door to the storage room was always unlocked, so we went inside. I eventually noticed the key sitting on top of a tub of gunk, on the highest shelf.

"You think you can make it, Heath?" I asked, already knowing the answer. Heath just smiled, and without saying a word, leaped up to the shelf. He managed to nab the key and land perfectly.

We walked back outside of the storage room and Heath held the key up in triumph. "Escape time is a go," he said with a smile.

But right as we turned a corner into another hallway, we ran into the worst possible scenario- Greed, Lust, Pride, Gluttony, Sloth, and Wrath (respectively: Sam. Sean, Shanna, Heath, Anastasia, and I). Envy was more than likely guarding Luke.

Music: Gigantic! Hikaru-chan and Akane-chan from Jikkyou Oshaberi Parodius

"So, you little suckers escaped, eh?" Greed grinned, as they slowly advanced towards us. Sam burst into a full-on sprint, and the rest of us joined him. Wrath yelled, "GET THEM!" and they followed us.

At that point, it was basically us being chased by us. We turned a few corners through the hallways, and then Sam told us to hide in a random room. The Sins passed us, and then Sam hushed for us to move on. But right as we exited, Greed stopped dead in his tracks and turned around slowly.

"You realize I'm as clever as you, right?" he asked, to which Sam responded, "Crap..." The chase began again, but then I noticed Heath looking back. He then leaped behind the Sins for no reason, and I heard the sound of a gunshot. Apparently, Heath had noticed a gun on the ground, and decided to use it to his advantage. Greed was quick to react to the gunshot, and made him and all the Sins disappear.

"That was... odd..." Shanna muttered, scratching her head in confusion.

"Alright. Time to find Luke's room," I said. Sam was able to track down Luke using his magic, but we found that the room was guarded by two weird-looking creatures.

"How are we supposed to get past them?" Anastasia asked. All of our heads slowly turned towards her.

"Oh, no way. No way I am doing that. Huh-uh," Anastasia said, crossing her arms.

"But it was part of the plan!" Shanna complained.

"So? I'm not going up there just to be a flirt!" Anastasia hissed. "And especially not by myself!"

Sam sighed, facepalmed, and asked, "If I go WITH you, will that make you feel at least a tad bit better about doing it?"

Anastasia took a deep breath and stood in thought for a few seconds. Finally, she said, "Okay. Thank you, Sam."

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