Chapter XII

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Music: The Lost Luma from Super Mario Galaxy 2

Emma now led us through a different hallway, not saying a word. Several of us kept asking her what the surprise was, but she kept responding, "If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise. Just wait."

I looked at Shanna, and all she could do was shrug.

She eventually stopped in front of a specific door. There was nothing on the door signifying what it was, so what was inside was a mystery. "I have a feeling you guys will need this... it'll help you out. I promise," Emma said with a smile.

She opened the door, and gestured a hand for us to go inside. Reluctantly, we slowly walked inside.

Music: Spin-Dig Galaxy from Super Mario Galaxy 2

"UGH! WE HAVE TO DO SCHOOL STUFF?" Chomata groaned as soon as he saw what was inside. It was a row of chairs, sort of in a classroom-like setting.

"It's not exactly school... you're not really learning anything. It's more of an academy. You guys look like you're gonna need to be put back into shape. So that's what we're going to do!" Emma explained, almost too cheerfully. Then she left and shut the door.

The eight of us each took a seat. There were ten in total, so one the rightmost two chairs were empty. I got the third chair from the right in the first row, with Elle to my left and Shanna to my right. There were no desks. I decided to take quite note of the room. The walls were a dark blue color, although the paint looked old. There was a bulletin board on the right side of the room, near the door. To our left was a window, which Chomata seemed to have a temptation to jump out of.

My train of thought was interrupted by the door being slammed open, and a harsh, loud female voice shouting, "ATTEN-SHUN!"


When the woman walked in and yelled, "ATTEN-SHUN!", I jumped up from my feet and stood, like an army soldier would. That turned out to be the wrong thing to do, as the teacher looked at me angrily and growled, "Sit down."

I sat down, sweat already beginning to trickle down my face. The teacher walked slowly across the room, looking at each of us closely. "Alright. Now, you all look pathetic. A baby could probably take you on and win."

"M'am? We kinda have powers," Heath commented, but the teacher glared at him.

"You will call me Mrs. Sandy. That is an ORDER!" she shouted. "And I don't care if you're the most powerful beings alive! We're gonna whup you right back into shape!" Then she walked over angrily to Sam and Luke's desks. Both had their heads on their desks, as if sleeping.

"WAKE UP, SOLDIERS!" Mrs. Sandy yelled. Sam yelled, "JUSTIN BEIBER'S SWEET ASS!" and Luke yelled, "Wh-what? I was listening!"

Mrs. Sandy smiled, as if satisfied with her work. Then she went back to walking around slowly, leaving us all in suspense. "Alright, new recruits. I've got a task for you, one that will put you right back into shape. Trust me, this will work."

We all looked at her (and each other) oddly, and then she said, "It's time for the pre-training."

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