Chapter X

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Music: Mechanical Base from Gradius III Arcade

After we watched (in horror as) Luke got dragged away by the Sins, Elle shouted, "Why? Why did he give himself up like that?"

"I don't see the problem," Sam jokingly said, and we all glared at him. "Um... sorry?"

"Sam, now is not the time to be joking," I sighed. "We all know how powerful Luke is. The Sins will definitely use him to their upmost advantage."

"Well, there's no time to lose," Chomata said. "Let's go after him!"

And so we began the long trek back to Fish Mart. When we finally arrived, the first thing we took note of was the two robots guarding the front doors, meaning that normal entry was not going to happen.

"They've probably upped their security. There's no way we can get back in under normal means," Sean muttered.

But I noticed Sam just smiled, so he had something on his mind. He then whispered in my ear, and I nodded. I leaped up to the roof of Fish Mart, and from there, Sam produced a rope. I threw the rope down to the rest of the group.

"Genius!" Elle said excitedly.

With that, Sam, Sean, Shanna, Anastasia, Chomata, and Elle began climbing the rope. I took note of the fact that Sam and Elle were next to (well, Elle was right behind him, but you get my point) each other. Once everyone reached the roof, Sam killed the rope and then used his mind to find the room Luke was hidden in. Then he turned his arms into saws and created a hole in the roof, which Sean gladly punched to break.

Looks like the plan is ready for action.


Music: Speed from Gradius Gaiden

Going into this, I was rather nervous. Would we be able to save Luke from the Sins? I was snapped out of my thoughts by Sam beginning to speak.

"Okay, here's the deal: We drop into the pit. We stage a raid on the pit. We find Luke. We force the Sins to either hand Luke over or we kill them. Sounds simple. It's not," he explained. Then he produced another rope (he got rid of the first one for some reason) and lowered it through the hole.

As everyone else crowded around the hole, I inched closer to Sam, and asked nervously, "Are you sure we can do this?"

"It'll be okay." he said soothingly. "We've done this kind of thing before. It'll be a piece of cake!"

I hope, I said to myself.

"Alright, are we all ready to go in?" Sam asked. Everyone yelled, "YEAH!" and then Sam began building up the hype. "ARE WE GONNA DO THIS FOR LUKE?" "YEAH!" "ARE WE GONNA STOP THOSE SINS ONCE AND FOR ALL?" "YEAH!"

"Alright. We're ready," he said, a huge grin on his face. I felt less nervous now.

After that, one by one, the group began sliding down the rope, through the hole, and into a storage room. Sam grabbed ahold of me and held me close as we began sliding down. I knew he was only doing it to be on the safe side, but I still felt my face become warm, and my heart started to race a little bit.

Once everyone got off the rope, there was a door that was locked from the inside, but Shanna just punched it open. After that, it was a full-on raid. Guards came from all sides, but they were no match for our powers. Sean and Shanna pummeled guards to death. Chomata used his invisibility to sneak around and shoot people with his electric bow. Sam used energy orbs, fireballs, and other random things to kill off guards. Heath pounced on them by the tens. Even Anastasia used her power to keep guards distracted while someone else took them out.

In fact, the raid was so intense even I got into it. I used my feelings-changing power to send either suicidal or homicidal feelings to guards, which I was surprised to see work greatly.

Finally, we find a room that the others told me Luke was hidden in before. Once again, Shanna punched the door open to let us through.


Honestly, it was kind of surprising to see that the Sins hid Luke in the same room they had hidden him before. And once again, he was left relatively unguarded. This time, he looked out of it and appeared as if he was brainwashed.

"Luke! Snap out of it!" I yelled, shaking him. This time, it didn't take much for his eyes to blink a few times, snapping him out of his trance. He moaned and looked around slowly. "G-guys... what's going on..."

Before any of us could say anything else, my lookalike, Sloth, appeared in the doorway, holding some sort of button. She cleared her throat loudly for us to hear her, and we all turned her way.

"If I were you guys, I'd consider running," she smirked. Then she pushed the button and red lights began flashing all over. The words "SELF-DESTRUCT IN 30 SECONDS" were announced through an intercom. Then Sloth disappeared.

"Guys, let's MOVE!" Heath ordered. Luke got out of his bed and joined us in a mad dash to the front doors of Fish Mart, hoping to escape before the entire pit exploded. Heath kicked the "Authorized Access Only" door open, and we were able to escape just in time before the explosion happened.

Then Sam counted heads to make sure everyone was here, and a worried look appeared on his face. "Guys... I think Luke got left behind," he said worryingly.

"No!" I shouted, but then we saw someone flying out of the building. When I saw who it was, I breathed a sigh of relief, and then gasped.

The good news? It was Luke.

The bad news? He was missing one arm and one leg.

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