Chapter II

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Music: Tension from Super Mario Galaxy 2

At this point, our families knew that all of us were here, and began visiting with each other... which meant more time for the 7 of us to be together. We were just talking about random stuff, when all of a sudden, our families got up and started to leave.

"Hey, where's everybody going?" I asked aloud. Shanna and I ran over to our mom and asked many questions, but she didn't answer. Neither did our dad.

"This is bad... really, really bad," Shanna muttered, pacing frantically.

We all looked to Sam, to see what he thought, but he shrugged. "I see no legitimate reason for anybody here to be leaving. They're obviously being controlled by something or someone."

"But what? And why?" Anastasia asked.

"I wish I knew, Anastasia. I wish I knew."

At that point, we all sat there, waiting for something to happen. I was quite frightened by the events of the past several minutes. Why did this apply to everyone except the seven of us?

Finally, I saw a face of someone who was still here, standing outside the window. I got up to ask what was going on (or if he was the one doing this to us), and then realization came to me. The next words out of my mouth made everyone else gasp.

"Guys... is that me... wearing black?"


Music: Shoot and Shoot from Gradius II Arcade

As soon as Sean said those words, I couldn't believe what he was saying. What happened next practically scarred me for life.

Sam, Shanna, Anastasia, Chomata, Heath, and I joined the Sean lookalike. But I'm not talking about us. I'm talking lookalikes of us joined him. The other Luke muttered, "Damn it, Lust. Now we have to fight."

Lust? I asked in my head. Then I realized: These lookalikes probably had the same names as the 7 Deadly Sins.

They were EVIL lookalikes.

I ran over and put my flame alchemy gloves on. All it took was one snap of my fingers, and flames appeared. My lookalike did the exact same thing, and Shanna's lookalike yelled out, "Go get 'em, Envy!"

Oh crap. I'm Envy.

"CHOMATA!" I called out. Chomata ran over to me and turned invisible. Envy gritted his teeth. "This is going to be pretty tough... Wrath! Gluttony!" he yelled.

Wrath and Gluttony, respectively, were Chomata and Heath's lookalikes. Wrath turned invisible too, and Gluttony leaped high up into the sky, just like Heath would. He got ready for a pounce, but Chomata turned visible, and we ran away.

Off to the side, I saw Sean battling Lust, and Shanna battling her lookalike. Neither of them were doing particularly well. They were both knocked to the ground, and I heard Sam yell, "RETREAT!"

The 7 of us gathered back up. Luckily, all of the Sins were wearing black, so none of us were confused. We ran to the exits of the pool, and our lookalikes followed. At the last second, I clapped my hands to make a wall. Sam's lookalike yelled, "YOU SON OF A BITCH!"

We all ran until we reached the front doors of the lobby, and collapsed to the ground, panting from exhaustion.

Looks like we have a new enemy.



Music: Crystal from Gradius Gaiden

After we all regained our strength, Anastasia asked, "What... the heck... was that?"

Luke, still heavily panting, explained, "Judging from the names I heard, I think they're the 7 Deadly Sins."

"The 7 Deadly Sins? You mean, those things we're taught in church?" I asked, betwazzled.

"Yes, Heath."

Sam just looked confused. "I'm sorry. What did I miss?"

We all sat down around Luke, and he began talking. "The 7 Deadly Sins are 7 bad qualities in a person adapted from Catholic religion. They are Pride, Greed, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Wrath, and Sloth. These lookalikes of us must represent one of the Sins. I'm apparently Envy, Chomata is Wrath, Heath is Gluttony, and Sean is Lust. That's all I gathered."

"I'm Pride," Shanna said. "I overheard Sean's lookalike calling mine Pride when we began fighting."

"I'm a greedy bastard, so I'm probably Greed." Sam smirked.

"Which probably makes me Sloth," Anastasia said, nodding slowly.

"Well, whichever Sins we are," Luke said urgently, "we need to get out of here, and we need to get out now."

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