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Minho hiked up the stairs. He could feel his heart beating erratically in his ribcage and his hands shaking with every step up he took. His grip tensed and tightened, unconsciously pressing the small box into his palm as the other fixed around the worn strap of his book bag. It was scrapped together from last of what really belonged to him. The thought that this was a gift for him, Minho couldn't help the smile that erupted on his face as he neared to the top. Yet a very tiny corner in his heart ached and moaned, he couldn't help it.

And still, what was the point of this gift? Right. It was nothing happy. This was simply meant as a reminder, with the nearing deadline merely a few weeks away. Little over a month, at most. There wasn't any need for him to worry about the research end; It was nearly completed and drowned out, even small details he worried over filling the blank spaces that they used to leave unoccupied were starting to form coherent thoughts. At this point, it was only a matter of time to when he wanted to say good-bye.

Minho frowned, still looking down at the box now clutched tightly to his chest that managed to hold up under the immense pressure he had put on it. With a shaky breath of fresh air, he muttered to himself, "Alright, you can do it."

"Mr. Handsome! I heard your voice from the beyond! Come forth, oh great one and forever be in the court of Han Jisung! Ha! Hahaha!"

Minho entered the large room while avoiding eye contact, taking careful steps on wobbly knees as he threw his bookbag to the table aside and tossed his jacket over it. No time to worry or stress. He told himself that as an inner cheer, but his palms were sweating a waterfall and heat filled his cheeks. Sometimes he wished he could slam his head into the table. Now was one of those times, when he mentally yelled at himself for being so vulnerable around the younger.

And almost as if he could tell the thoughts that were shackling him down, Jisung scanned him up and down before questioning, "Is something wrong? We can talk about it if you want. Then we can sharpen our pitchforks and slaughter who dares to harm you."

"Not necessary, but thank you," The older let out a gentle snort as he heared the flurry of giggles coming from the merman behind him.

When he turned around to greet Jisung his heart decided to ignore everything it was told before and skipped a beat. He sat on the catwalk, closer to the cement walkways then they usually were, a grin on his face and a sparkle in his eyes when they made eye contact for the first time today. It wasn't any different from the other times so why was it that he felt like the entire world stopped spinning, that his stomach ran away became an acrobat for the day, that his heart felt like it was flat lining in his chest.

"I thought you wouldn't want to see me after scaring you last time," Minho snorted quietly as he came to the catwalk, eyes still doing their job of avoiding the younger's line of sight until he was too close to avoid it no longer. It seemed to sneak up on him, and clench him in it's jaws. It didn't let him go, and even with the often overbearing joy of Jisung, he knew this would be an impossible task.

Oblivious to his current struggle, Jisung gasped, "I could never!"


"Is that sarcasm I am detecting? I'll have you know that your extremely good looks can only get you so far in life. We're going to have to hound some common sense and self-respect into that gorgeous head of yours."


"You called?"

"Stop saying I'm gorgeous. And, I have something for you.

"Never. But, oh fun! Is it food from the outside world? Perhaps, you were able to track down and locate the dessert I had told you of," The merman placed a finger on his chin as he tapped it every few beats, eyebrows furrowing and lips formed into a pout. He clapped his hands together, a look beaming on his face as his eyes grew wide, "A kitten, maybe?"

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