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"Minho, turn the TV off if you aren't using it!"

Said male peeked up from the heavy novel he was enjoying, "I am."

"No, you're not. That's our bill and if it goes over the normal amount, you're paying!"

"Background noise."

"Whatever," Seungmin hustled through the house, quickly pulling a cropped hoodie over his head and shoving the car keys into his pocket. He came to a stop in front of the older, "How do I look?"

"Like you're wasted."

"That's rude, but good job. Jinnie and I are going to be out for the night with some friends of ours. Uhh... Chan, and Changbin but shorty might bring his girlfriend. I think he said her name was Lix? Liz? Something like that. Hold down the fort for us, will you?"

"Sure," Minho gave a thumbs up in the general direction of the voice. His book was more interesting than anything the other had to say to him. The hero was just finding out about his best friend's betrayal and he was not going to let anyone stand in the way of finding out what happens next.

Seungmin's other half had eventually joined them in the small living room, fully done up in something a bit more formal with his hair slicked back, it was the total opposite of his boyfriend's ripped jeans and fishnet. But oddly enough it complemented the other. Their disagreements and compromises seemed to reflect on their outfit choice, in the button down and in the tight choker. Minho had to wonder if that's what it meant to really be a couple, or to really be in love with someone. To be their contrast, yet fit together like puzzle pieces. Or maybe he was reading too much into it.

"Can you two stop coupling?" Minho faked a gag, shoving a hand onto his chest and the other to move the book away from him. They sent a strong glare his way. He had to watch as Hyunjin walked up to the other and press a gentle kiss to Seungmin's forehead before they latched their hands together, trying to make their exit.

But there was a knock at the door, "FBI, open up!"

"No, don't," The oldest immediately protested when Hyunjin placed a hand on the doorhandle. He paused in response to the request and gave him a questioning look.

"Why? We need to leave and it's on the way out."

"I want peace,"

"You'll get your peace, now we need to go," He quietly turned the handle, hesitating to poke his head out the door to greet the two people that waited patiently on the other side. Their chatting was inaudible from the couch but it didn't take a genius to figure out who it was. The young couple on the inside slipped out the door, and were replaced.

By the FBI: Felix and Jeongin.

"They're so cute together!" Jeongin cooed as they sauntered over to the couch, the mischievous glint in their eyes too noticeable to pass up. He took his place at the foot of the couch, sitting on his new perch of an armrest and leaning far over to prop his elbows up on his own knees. Felix layed across the floor, on his back with his limbs splayed out like a starfish, infront of the blaring television. Take that Seungmin, they were using it.

"I guess they are," The blond huffed from his spot, "Changbin and I are more cute then them. I'll show them up tonight, be prepared to be wowed Seungjin."

Jeongin frowned, "No you aren't."

"What? Yes, we are!"

"I didn't know having a tongue shoved half way down your throat was cute but whatever you say Lix," The youngest smiled an innocent smile as Felix nearly choked on his own spit. 

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