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"Good morning."

"Oh, hey, Minho. I'm surprised, aren't you here a little early today?"

"Class was cancelled."

"What a lucky guy you are. For how long will the professor be gone?"

"Just for today."

Chan leaned back in his office chair, the abused seat creaking on it's way back. He sighed, "Then since you're free, I need help moving some inventory around to their proper storage rooms."

"It moved?" Minho shuffled over to the receptionist desk, hoisting himself up onto the surface to sit with his back to Chan and legs dangling over the side. He ran his hand over uneven scratch marks each dug violently into the thin gray coating as he waited for any sort of response from the overworked male. The chair creaked again behind him, prompting him to toss his head over his shoulder to glance at the older.

"Some genius got the idea to shuffle it around last night and the person that takes inventory is on break," Chan sighed again, rubbing his face furiously with his hands over and over again. With one final huff of exasperation he covered his eyes and slouched down into the squeaky chair, "I have my suspicions of who keeps moving it. Especially the food."


"He threatened to fatten up the penguins and take them home," The older scoffed, rolling his eyes as he spun himself around in the chair, "Boss is a scary guy so he hasn't done it yet."

Minho carefully removed his rain soaked jacket, making sure not to drip anywhere but being preoccupied with mulling over what the other had said. He laid it across his lap with a hum, "I'm sure Hyunjin loves that."

"He's probably in on it too. Those two will be the end of my career I swear," Chan paused. He sat upright in his seat, laying his head off to an odd angle to stare out the large floor to ceiling windows that put the outside world on display as cars of all shapes and sizes rolled on by. They came and they went as time went on. Without much thought his foot gently bumped the side of the drenched rubber duck umbrella that he kept on his half of the desk. It was raining that day, once again, as it had been for the past few days but soon they'd all miss the cool air that was replaced by the sweltering sun of the summer. For now, all the two could do was wait patiently inside for that change to come.

The receptionist smiled, "It must be nice."


"I don't know, just thinking about those two. How nice it must be to be so in love with someone that you'd give up everything for them," Chan spun again in his seat. He let his let loll around with the harsh momentum of his chair as he twirled one way, breaking hard by stomping his foot down and pushing off the other way, then a few times back his original direction, and back around for a few more turns, before switching one more time.

Minho gazed down at his hands, unresponsive as he heard the older go in circles like a young child. He picked at his uneven and bitten down nails, mumbling to himself as he picked at the corner, "I've thought about that too."

"No kidding? You don't exactly strike me as the hopeless romantic type," Chan laughed, "I don't think I'm much of one either though so, who knows?"

"Yeah," His lips pressed into a thin line as he repeated, "Who knows."

The sliding doors of the aquarium pressed open. Chan turned his head in the direction of the noise, mouth opening in preparation to lecture whoever came in for the fact that the aquarium hasn't been opened yet only to shoot from his seat. His shoulders tensed. Minho followed his line of sight and let his eyes land on the approaching group, each one more done up than the last, careful suits and ties escorting someone who directed their focus to the young university student. As if he developed tunnel vision, his gaze trained only on Minho.

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