Chapter 10 Newguy and Playboy

ابدأ من البداية

When I got home I saw my mom wearing a slight higher class of clothes than what she would wear if we were home alone and her wearing her hijab mean that some one is coming or is already here.

" Asalamwulaikum Mama." I said and gave her a hug. she was looking rather pretty with her dark blue shalwar dress and royal blue scarf.

" Why do you look like you're going somewhere?" I asked as she went to the mirror to fix up her scarf.

" Samina chachi is coming over." she said and my mind all of a sudden wandered to Ahmed.

" Is Ahmed coming?" I all of a sudden blurted out. My mom looked at me and cocked her eyebrow in a questioning way.

" Why?" she asked with a tiny smile playing on her lips.

I quickly searched my mind for an answer and found one.

" Oh, you know, I was going to make chai and wanted to know if he was coming so I'll know how many mugs there'll be." I said trying not to look weird.

" Well, yes he is coming but you don't need to make chai right now." she said, her attention to the mirror as if I never even asked her that mortifying question.

" Um, okay." I said before quickly walking towards the living room where I collapsed.

Why was I so interested? why is my life mixed up so much?

At that moment there was a knock on the door. Assuming that it were the Mahmoods, I got up and went to go open it.

To my surprise, Ashton was standing there with his little smirk on his cute but stupid face.

Shut up!!!!

IlightlyslappedmyselfandAshtongavemeweirdlook before welcoming himself in.

" Jerk." I muttered but he didn't hear.

My mom however greeted him like she usually does.


" Hello Ashton!" she said with a big grin.

Ashton played along and put in his best good boy hat and started complimenting my mom.

I wish he would do that to me...


Imentallyslappedmyselfreallyhardjustsothatmystupid subconscious could get the idea.

" So Ashton, why are you here?" she asked suddenly frowning.

" Oh, well Salma forgot her homework today from the teachers so I decided to drop by and give it to her." he said smiling.

He reached in his bag and took out a package, smirking at me he handed me the papers while I just stood there trying to tame my inner thoughts.

' Isn't he cute?'

'To bad he's not muslim'

' Aren't his eyes dreamy?'

no, No, NO, NOOOOO!

Knockingthestupid thoughts from my brain I slid the package on a table nearby before following my Mom as Ashton trailed along.

" Okay Salma, Ahmed and his family is coming over so I need you to help with the appetizers and tea. Ashton could you help her?" she asked.

Ashton of course was all smiley and considered the chore done.

The Twisted Tale of A Towel Headحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن