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Lily's POV

Martha comes in my room with clothes in her hand the next morning. "Here Ms. Keen, Master Stephen would like you to get ready to go to the mall within an hour."

"Thank you Martha." She leaves once again. I hop in the shower, very relaxing to feel the hot water on my aching body. When I get out of the shower and slip on my undergarments I realize that these are not women's clothes these are his clothes. I went to go find my clothes and I couldn't find them anywhere in my room. Putting on just the very oversized shirt he gave me so I could go and look for my bag I go downstairs hoping only the maids were here.

To my luck it was only them, so I searched the living room, his office, the guest rooms, nothing. I just decided to give up and ask him while we were out. On my way upstairs the front door opens and in comes Stephen. Just my luck.

"Shit!" I yell trying to cover myself as I run up the steps. Once I get to my room I hide in the bathroom locking the door, feeling embarrassed. There was two knocks on my door they were heavy and demanding. Stephen. "Y-yes?"

"Open the door we're leaving."

"Just let m-me finish getting d-dressed." I was a stuttering out of breath mess, then on top of that I just now realize that the pants are on my bed. Outside of the bathroom, where Stephen is. "I-I'll meet you downstairs I just gotta finish up o-okay?"

"Hurry." I waited a few long seconds and I finally opened the door walking to the pants. I start to put them on when I hear shuffling in the corner. Frozen dead on my tracks, my palms to start to itch and my throat gets dry. The hell is he doing in here?!! What is he gonna do?

He gets up and walks toward me very slowly, I look down at anything but him, he stood behind me, tracing his finger up my thigh and to my panties. He can't touch me like that, oh my lord, he don't understand! I fold my hands together and cover the front of myself.

"You know love, black is Daddy's favorite color." He whispered and gave my ear a small nibble. I bit my lip to not let any sounds escape. He started leaving light kisses down my neck and his hands holding my waist. A small moan escaped my lips and I went to cover it right away. Not thinking about it I walked away from him and finished putting on my pants.

I walked to the door and looked back at him, sitting on the bed smirking. I blushed and looked away. "I-I think we should go d-don't want it to get too late." Walking out the door and downstairs I sprinted to the garage.

That was close, now all I have to do is get through the few hours we are out and I'll go back to my room, say that I'm not feeling well and boom alone.

I waited for him in the car that was parked outside. When he came in he had changed, now he was wearing a nice fitted white shirt and some gray nike sweatpants. You know, he lookin real sexy with the fit he just came out with. I watched him till he got in the drivers seat and I looked out the window acting like I wasn't just drooling over his muscles.

He started up the car. The awkward silence was cut off when he spoke, "I don't want you to talk to any male there at all, I don't care if he works there or is asking for directions I don't want you to speak to him whatsoever. Understood." He said that more as a demand more then a question but I don't feel like pushing his buttons.

"Mhm" I shook my head yes and he continued driving, putting his hand on my thigh I freaked out and tried to move it. He wouldn't budge and his grip got tighter and he moved it up higher.

"Don't." That was all he needed to say. The authority in his voice made me stay in my lane. He didn't have to tell me twice. I just stared out the window until I started seeing more buildings and people outside. It was weird, Tobias never really let me go anywhere so this was new for me. "We're here, get whatever you want that is going to be appropriate for when others are present. I have thrown away all of your things that were in that bag you brought you won't be needing them." Thank you for deciding that captain. I roll my eyes away from him while I got out the car so he didn't see me.

We walked all around, we went to American Eagle, Forever 21, Aeropostale, all the good stores. I felt bad for him spending all that money on me because I had no way to pay him back. I'll figure it out I guess. He grabbed my hand out of the blue and took me to Victoria's Secret. "You're going to need underwear and bras. You don't have any."

My face went red. "O-okay, c-can I go by myself?" Asking sheepishly with my head down.

"No." He said with the straightest face I have ever seen. Was kinda scary. Nodding my head we went into there and I started grabbing things. He kept watching me which was really uncomfortable. I grabbed a few things for me to try on in the dressing room, he grabbed some for me as well they were all pretty much lace. "I want to see the ones I picked out for you." Those words shook me to the core.

"W-why do y-you need to s-see them?"

"I'm going to see what's under it anyways so you might as well show me. Also because I am telling you not asking."

"Fine." I went into the stall and tried them on while he waited for me outside the door. I liked everything I picked out it fitted nice but when I tried on what he grabbed I was not wanting to show him. At all. The bra and thong was mesh and all black, most of my boobs were out. I turned around in the mirror and gasped, all of my booty was out. This man is crazy.

"You like what I picked out?" I could hear the smile on his face. "Open up and let me see."

"You h-have to come in here I d-don't want to go out there." I opened the door and he came in his eyes turned a darker color and I gulped. "Okay you've seen it cool, yea? Alright, goodbye!" I tried shoving him out but he wouldn't budge he just stood there staring at me. "At least say something you're acting weird."

"You look delicious. I can't wait to rip that off of you" He said licking his lips. Damn that was hot. Not the right time though.

"Well we cant fuck in the changing room so that will have to wait." He stopped staring and came back to reality. He grabbed my face in one of his hands he got close to me.

"What did I tell you about cussing baby." He smacked my butt and I bit my lip. "You like that don't you." And he did it again a little harder this time and I let out a small whimper. He was right I liked it a little.

"Take that off and put your clothes on we're going back home." He left before I could even answer. When I got out of the stall we checked out and went back to the car. On the way there a group of guys walked past us, I had stopped to tie my shoe and one of them whistled. "Leave me alone." I told him.

"I was just trying to get you attention, I was gonna ask you for your number."

"I have a boyfriend." I mean technically I do in a weird way so it wasn't all a lie.

"He doesn't need to know." He grabbed my arm and Stephen came up from behind me and punched him in the nose. Where were you two minutes ago? It started bleeding, Stephen looked so mad.

"Stay the fūck away from her." I walked with him the rest of the way to the car in silence. I got in after him and he was still heated. What he said next had chills running down my spine I was scared.

"I will punish you when we get home."


Hey everyone!!
Hope you enjoyed it!
Comment any suggestions you have
She shouldn't have talked to another man!
What will the punishment be?🤷🏽‍♀️
We'll find out next chapter

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