Thirty Four

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And then Summer 17' game and I was halfway at my lowest point

And again it's like you had spidey senses

And you came back and we worked it out

We got back together and same thing happened

You would fill my head up with these false hopes of coming to visit me

Taking me out on dates

Making a life with me

You were so supportive when I got my first job

You always asked how my day was

Telling me how much you loved me

And when my mom was in the hospital that summer you always asked about her

I don't even remember why we broke up or who broke up with who

I just remember that not even a month later you had a new girlfriend

And she was pregnant

But she was 2 months pregnant

A month after we broke up

Shit didn't add up

I didnt bring it up, I just stopped talking to you

And you kept apologizing

"I'm sorry for whatever I did, if I did something wrong"

But I'm not going explain to you that you weren't faithful to me

You knew, you were just trying to play dumb

I wasn't going to continue to be your doormat

Because I was stopping my life for someone who obviously didn't care

About what I was sacrificing

How I felt

Or how they were treating me

But you playing these games with you for years just made me realize

That I deserved more than words and empty promises

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