"Good morning," I muttered to his lip.

"Fucking good after all," he breathed.

I just giggled leaning my head into his neck as I felt him lazily caressing my back and slowly his breathing got back to its normal pace.

"I've been hard for like an hour," he mumbled into my hair and I tried to hide my amused smile, by pushing my face into his neck.

"Oh, how you survived," I pouted raising my head to look at him, caressing his hair gently.

"Well, you definitely saved me," he wiggled his eyebrows and I chuckled, then just kept caressing his hair with a gentle smile.

A phone started to buzz on the nightstand and for a long moment none of us made a move but then Jared sighed and reached towards it. It was a bit further, so I slipped off him with a huff.

He leaned there to grab it then rolled his eyes as he picked it up, pulling me back to his side, I rested my thigh on his, caressing his belly while watching his face.

"Morning Olivia..." he muttered then cleared his throat as I heard Olivia on the other end.

"Morning? It's twelve o'clock Jared, you are supposed to be in the studio for our scheduled meeting," she didn't sound angry, mostly bored and Jared frowned, pulling the phone away from his ear to look at the clock then sighed.

"Sorry O, I... totally overworked last night..."

"Any chance you can make it here," she sighed.

"Give me an hour?" he asked with pulled in neck.

"Sure, see you around," she hung up and Jared threw his phone next to him.

"She wants you to go to the studio for going through new schedules?" I asked with a smile.

"Yeah..." he muttered running his hand through his hair, watching the ceiling.

"But that's like... every day," I frowned, "She really is trying to be professional."

"Yeah... She doesn't really like hanging out here..." he shrugged as he sat up.

"You happy with her?" I asked feeling responsible because she was one, I advised.

"Yeah she is great. She actually handles everything perfect; she takes care of all my e-mails, interview matters, she is a star really. It's just... she is a co-worker. Which is weird because I like hanging out here or elsewhere, have some fun with work you know, but she is really strict. Sometimes I feel like she is the boss," he frowned.

"Maybe she just doesn't feel comfortable around you yet, in a less professional environment. She needs some time to get to know you as well."

"Could be. As long as he does her job this good, I don't mind adjusting some."

I smiled sitting up, kneeling behind him I hugged him around kissing into his neck.

"It's Saturday," I whined not wanting to let him go, just yet, even though for now we have been through so much in this bed and we both were in need of a good shower and a sheet change but all I wanted was just to lay with him a bit more.

"You know that doesn't mean anything to me," he smiled kissing my hand in front of his chest before he untangled my arms and stood up walking towards his drawer. "I also have live radio hosting at two and then an interview shoot for a talk show after that. And before all this, I hope Olivia got hold of my barber because I really need some dying," he frowned patting his beard.

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