Confession and an Answer

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When Bill awoke the next day he went straight to his study. He stated looking through all the spells and witchcraft material he had. He had to find something. Something that would allow him to touch his beauty. While he was looking theough his material he hadnt noticed that some snuck in. The creature in question was none other then the beauty Bill had fell in love with. Dipper was holding a shell. A kronk to be specific. He poked Bill in the side with it as he wore a lovely smile upon his face. Bill jumped in surprise and glared at the culprit until  he noticed it was Dipper. He smiled at him and greeted him.
"Well hello there gorgeous, ya mustve blinded me cause I didnt see ya come in." Dipper blushed at Bills comment and he wanted to playfully hit him but knew that he couldn't.
"Oh stop woth those comments, its embarrassing."

"But I couldnt help it. Your to easy to blush and plus what I said was true. You are drop dead gorgeous my love," Bill said this with a wide smirk on hos face as he watched Dippers face light up.

"Youre embarrassing!" Dipper huffed as he swam over to one of the bookshelves. Picked a random book off of it and slid down to the sandy floor with a pout on his face.

"Im sorry love, forgive me?" Bill snickered at the cute pout that Dipper had upon his face and the huff he got as a response to his apology. He shook his head with a small smile curved onto his face. He looked down at his book and his eyes widened and somthing started to reveal on the blank page he was staring at.

This spell will only reveal when true love between siren and mermaid is shown in the presence of this book.

For the two who are in love they can only touch for 24 hours. When this time is up the two will both die and be reborn again, destined to find each other.
A small spell can let the two lovers touch for small periods of time a day. Only for 5 minutes though.
If you go over the time of five minutes then your 24 hours start.

Bill read on, over excited about what he had found. He was also particularly happy about the true love part. It was true love between the two..

*they are sitting up on a rock near a deserted part of the beach at sunset*

"Hey Dipper, I love you. Alot actually. I've  loved you sense the moment i first meet you and I found a way for us to touch only for a short amount of time though. And a way for us to be together for eternity, although we would have to die first. Heh." Bill started rambling. His face started of serious and shifted into nervousness and finally a soft laugh at the messed up part about needing to die. Dipper watched and listened. He was happy. He didnt want to die yet, he wanted to see his family again and say goodbye for real, and who knows maybe in the next life they will be together again aswell. In the future though he would be happy to die and then be able to fall in love with Bill all over again.

"Bill that sounds wonderful, the being together qnd being able to touch parts maybe not the dying all so much but id be happy to to be woth you after I say goodbye to my family for real. Also, I love you too." Dipper had a happy smile on his face as he looked at Bill with love filled eyes. "Hey Bill? You should cast that spell real quick. I want to touch you now." Bill happily noddrd and quickly drew a magic circle in the dand and whispered a few words. Light shown and dispersed when the spell eas done.
"We can now touch each other for only five minutes a day now." Bill said happily but also with a sad tone in his voice because he wanted to be able to touch Dipper all of the time.
Dipper smiled and placed his webbed and across bills face, caressing his cheek gently, then softly running his hands through his golden locks, tracing his pointed ears to the tips and running down them. When he reached the base of Bills neck he wrapped his arms around. He fentally moved his face closer to Bills and softly touched their lips together in a short, hot, and passionate kiss, their lips moving in sync. While Dipper was running his hands through Bills hair he had puts his on Dippers sides. Feeling the soft skin and tracing lines. He pressed down softly to only leave small red lines as proof that he had touched him and when their lips touched Bill pulled Dippers body closer to him, their chests pressed against each other. The sunset that had put a nice orangey glow and them had now turned into a clear night sky while the stars shown brightly. The two dreadfully pulled away from each other because  the five minutes were up. Dipper and Bills eyes were locked on each other. Gazing into each others eyes, their hearts full of love and heated passion. They bothed remarked in how the other felt to their touch. Bills lips surprisingly soft and his hair a little greasy. His ears were rough, almost felt leathery and his neck was incredibly warm, his claws were sharp but the slight pressure Bill used when he was touching Dipper filled Dipper with a warm feeling. Dippers lips were alittle chapped, his webbed fingers felt rubbery yet it was a pleasent feeling when Dipper moved his hands to touch him. It sent sparks throughout his entire being. His sides were soft in both ways, his skin smooth to the touch and he would most likely make a nice pillow. Bill sighed at the loss of contact and look at the sky.

"We should probably head hime huh?"

Dipper looked up towards Bill and nodded. The way back home was silent. A comfortable silence though, pleasant thoughts were going through each others minds. We they made it home the said their goodnights and headed off to bed, where they would dream of the respected other and wish that they could touch just a little bit more

The Mermaid and The Siren (billdip au) ( Discontinued- New Name The Fate of Us)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن