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Bill didnt find what he wanted. Je wanted to change the beautiful blue mermaid that he had brought back to his home into a siren so that they could touch without Dipper being in any danger. Bill couldn't explain why he felt like Dipper ment the world to him after only knowing him for a day. All Bill knew was that he wanted to keep Dipper away from anybody that wasn't him, away from other creatures that posed a threat of taking away this precious blue light in his dark world. Bill slammed the book he was reading down on the desk making such a loud sound that it scared the little blue ball of beauty that was cured up in a corner with his nose stuck in a book.
"Bill! What was that for!"
"Sorry," Bill had only muttered angrily as he swam towards the exit. "You can stay in here if you would like I'm going for a swim."
Dipper, still in shock, simply nodded as he watched the terrifying yet gorgeous creature leave his sight. Dipper sighed and placed the book back on the shelf where he had gotten it from, and swam over to the window opening in Bill's study. Dipper sat on the edge and leaned against the wall. Dipper was lost in his thoughts. His thoughts about his family back at the reef. His twin sister that was probably worried sick about him, wondering where he was and if he was okay. Dipper didnt notice the tear fall from his eye while he stared at nothing. Just the deep blue. He thought of how different it was. How dark and cold it was to be here. How lonely it was, but Bill flashed through his mind. Suddenly he felt warm, wanted, and welcomed. Bill had welcomed him into his home knowing that it was going to be tricky. Dipper trusted Bill with his whole heart, knowing that he wouldn't hurt him. Dippers heart started to hurt, it felt as if it was getting hard to breathe, when he thought about leaving this place, leaving Bill. A siren he had only met the day before. Dipper couldn't really explain what was happening to him, all he knew was that he wanted to stay and didnt want to go back home even if he missed it to the point it hurt. What would hurt him more was to be away for the golden creature who shown like the sun in his eyes.
Dipper started to cry even harder. The tears wouldnt stop overflowing, making it hard to see. His breath became heavy, getting harder to breathe.
"Dipper! Dipper what's wrong?" Bill had came into the room in a rush and was I front of Dipper in no time. Bill's hands out stretched towards his face but not getting closer, not ever touching. Dipper looked up at the worried sea creature before him and smiled, he smiled a smile that was filled with no pain, one that was full of true happiness and not fake. Bill calmed down and put his hands back at his sides and sighed.
"Never do that to me again kid, never." Bill looked so serious but his face was full of relief. He had not wanted to see his prefect guppy cry. Yes, his guppy, no one else. Bill was going to keep it that way to, even if it killed him.
"Bill, promise me, never leave me okay, you've brought me joy and I want it to stay." Dippers eyes were glossy and puffy red from his tears, but they didn't show sadness. What they showed was pure joy, his smile bright. Bill looked at him and smiled.
"I should be the one saying that, thank you for this wonderful sensation, of joy." Bill had said as he put his black clawed hand out. Dipper reached his own webbed hand out and hovered it over Bill's, careful not to touch. Bill leaned his head down and carefully blew a kiss to the top of Dippers hand.
Dippers face had turned the shade of a shrimp, a soft pink tint dusting his cheeks. Dipper knew he'd didnt want to leave at all. So he stayed. For the rest of the day it was the two completely different species getting to know each other. Soft glances were shared and laughs were heard loudly through part of the castle. If only they knew what fate had in store for them, if only they knew the pain coming, would they still be here now, together laughing as if nothing was going to turn out wrong. If only they knew that their love was going to be the end of them.

The end
~ Just kidding! Theres gonna be more I promise there will be. It's just a bit of foreshadowing for ya, kinda. Anyway sorry it's short and sorry it's been awhile. I update when I have the idea for something.  Anyway have a great day/ night and thanks for reading!

The Mermaid and The Siren (billdip au) ( Discontinued- New Name The Fate of Us)Where stories live. Discover now