Jin is startled for a moment. He blushes and looks down on the floor, as if ashamed. "I do."

Taehyung swallows. Yoongi's hand has left his shoulder by now, but now it settles down on his knee and squeezes there reassuringly. Taehyung licks his lips. Takes a deep breath in, and another one out, and then another one in.

"Me too, hyung. I also like boys."

His voice wavers, but he looks at Yoongi, who gives him an encouraging smile, and knows that he's made the right decision.

"Oh," Jin says. He blinks rapidly, and Taehyung can see how he's trying to make sense of that piece of information before it finally seems to register, and his face lights up with an amount of joy that Taehyung never imagined to receive when sharing that secret. "Really? That's great news."

Taehyung nods shyly, heart in his throat from the nerves that came with sharing such a burden, confused about Jin's enthusiasm. And for a second he almost forgets that Jungkook knows.


Because Jungkook knows Jungkook knows Jungkook knows Jungkook knows, and he must have known for quite some time already. There are a hundred thoughts on his mind about Jin and Namjoon, but a thousand more about Jungkook.

"How long do you think he knew?" Taehyung asks quietly.

"According to Jimin it must have been quite some time already."

Taehyung groans and buries his head in his hands again.

"The most important question we have to ask ourselves though is how we continue from here on out. What do we do?" Jin asks.

Yoongi makes that hissing noise he tends to make whenever he's thinking thoroughly about something. They've dubbed it his noodle sound, because it makes him sound like he's slurping down the most delicious cup of ramen.

"I'm not going back to the dorm," Taehyung says.

"Taehyung-ah," Jin starts, but Taehyung doesn't want to hear any of it.

"No. Do you really think I want to see Jungkook now?"

He clenches his hands to fists, nails digging into the skin of his palm. Now that the shock slowly starts to fade away, Taehyung starts to feel the pain.


Taehyung feels betrayed. How dare Jungkook just blurt out his secret like that? How dare he act all innocent for months, and then drop a bomb like that? How dare he-

His heart aches the more he thinks about it. He likes Jungkook. He likes likes him, and Jungkook just went and stabbed a fucking knife into his back like it was nothing. And for what? For Hoseok. He's so desperate to have Hoseok back that he doesn't even care about other's feelings.

"You of all people should understand how I feel right now," Taehyung adds, and Jin's shoulders sag.

"You're right. I'm pissed as hell at him and he shouldn't have done what he's done, but somehow I still understand him."

"No," Taehyung says once more. "I'm not going back to the dorm tonight."

"I'll stay with you. We'll sleep in the studio. You can take the couch, I've slept on that ratty chair many times already so I don't mind," Yoongi adds.

"Hyung, I'm not taking the c-"

"You take the couch. You'll need a good night's rest. Jin-hyung, can you grab us some things from the dorm?"

Jin frowns at them.

"I really think that avoiding isn't the right thing to do. We need to sort this out."

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