"You have to be quiet." He spat. "If they see us, we're both in big trouble."

You jerked his hand away from your face, eyebrows furrowing.

"If who sees us?" You whispered.

He sighed heavily, his hazel eyes slowly moving to meet your e/c ones.

His hands hovered over the bare skin of your shoulders nervously for a few moments before his hands met your flesh. He swallowed hard, hesitating for a few minutes.

To your hazy mind, his actions didn't seem out of the ordinary, but in all reality, Min Yoongi was a nervous wreck.

He had been watching you for months, listening in on your conversations with your friend, learning every little habit that you had...every day he became more and more enchanted by you...more and more addicted to you..

But he had never thought that he would actually be able to see you in person...let alone be this close to you..

He simply wished that six insane criminals weren't trying to kidnap you right now.

"Bad men." He breathed out quietly, trying to explain it to your drunken mind.

Your eyes were wide and innocent as you stared up at him, causing his heart to thump wildly.

The alcohol you had consumed, turned your cheeks a light shade of pink, the running he had forced you to do caused heavy breaths to pour from your parted lips.

God, you were so beautiful.

"Bad men?" You repeated quietly.

He nodded his head.

"Yes." He popped, eyes moving to land on the back stage door. "You see that door?"

It was the perfect way out of this place, however, in order to get to it, the both of you would be running into the direct line of fire.

You slowly nodded.

"That's our ticket out of here." He stated.

You titled your head.

"Can't we just go out the front door?"

He shook his head fervently.

"Absolutely not." He deadpanned. "The bad men are waiting for us there. The back way is our safest bet."

You bit your lip before speaking hesitantly.

"Are they going to kill us?" You asked with a trembling voice.

Yoongi's hazel gaze softened at your small tone, his hand moving to gently cup your cheek.

"No, babydoll." He consoled. "We are going to get out of this safe and sound. I promise."

You stared up at him.

"Who are you?" You asked.

Yoongi froze, eyes darting away nervously.

He couldn't exactly tell you who we was..after all, he was a well-known assassin... his name came on the news almost every night...he was sure that you had heard of him and he didn't want you to panic.

"My-My name is-" He paused before continuing. "My name is Agust."

You outstretched your hand.


Yoongi's eyes widened slightly before he was reaching forward to grip your hand in his own.

"Find her!"

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