When he wants attention

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- he rolls on the floor saying "Notice me!"
-kisses your cheek or neck
-tackles you to the bed or couch. Even floor saying "LOVE MEEE"
- hugs you or kisses you
-grabs your face turns you towards him and kisses you
- "I want attention"
-you give him his attention

- lights liter in front of you
-"babe give me attention!"
-stares at you and won't blink until his eyes start to burn and water
-kisses you all over
-you give in and give him attention

-"Baby c-can you give me some a-attention... Please?"
-lays on the floor 
-grabs your leg and gently pulls
-you give him attention

-honks his horn
-"can I have some attention please honey boo?"
-fakes cries
-you give  and give him attention

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