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Note: Before I begin this, I want to say that since Toby had said he didn't mind the pronouns we use, I'm keeping up with the male persona for now. If this bothers anyone, please let me know so I can change it. I don't want anyone to get offended. Sorry if this upsets anyone :(


"Alright, guys. This spot looks perfect. Not many people out today," Ryan said, grabbing his phone to Tweet the meetup location.

"Yeah, because it's fucking freezing, cunt," Mason mumbled, hopping in his place to keep himself warm.

"I told you to bring a jacket, Mace. You've lived in Australia for your whole life, it's winter. How did you not know to bring your damn jacket? Even a hoodie?" Ryan scolded him, Sam next to him laughing.

Mason gave Ryan a look, ignoring what he said. Sarah got the notification on her phone that the Tweet was sent out, and she clicked on it already seeing people freaking out.

"Oh, boy," She mumbled, and she felt a hand grab her free one quickly to squeeze it before dropping it. She didn't have to look up to know it was Eric's hand, and she smiled at the thought.

It wasn't even five minutes before people started coming up to meet them, asking for pictures. Sarah did take a lot of them, but she was asked to be in a lot as well.

Everyone was very polite, saying hi to her and asking for pictures and autographs, but she did feel a bit out of place. She had made sure to bring her vlogging camera, to act like she was only there to vlog it instead of there as a person to meet up with.

Maybe two minutes into the vlog footage, Sarah felt a tap on her shoulder. Turning, she saw two girls who looked similar- one maybe in her mid teens and one in her early twenties.

"Oh, god. Hi, sorry. We didn't mean to bother you. We saw the tweet, and love watching your videos. Even more than the Misfits and we were just wondering if you could sign a few things for us? We're from New Zealand so we never thought we'd meet you," the younger one blurted, pulling out a few expensive makeup palettes and hand mirrors.

Sarah smiled widely, surprised that she had anyone come for her specifically. "Oh ! Of course, don't be sorry! Not a bother at all! What're your names?" She asked, grabbing the Sharpie from her back pocket and ushering the girls over towards a table- much more manageable for the amount of things they had brought for her to sign.

"I'm Ella," The younger one says, and Sarah smiles, signing her name on her palettes. Most of them were Jeffree Star palettes, while a few were Morphe and Anastasia Beverly Hills. Plus, all her mirrors were Jeffree Star ones as well.

"Ella, I'm so jealous of you. I've always wanted the signature pink Jeffree Star mirror, but any time I go to purchase it online it's sold out!" Sarah said, looking at the goodies in awe.

"It's wonderful. I love his stuff so much," Ella gushed, promptly showing Sarah the pigmentation of the Jeffree palettes. "Sorry, I'm sure you know how good these are, I just love makeup so much I can't stop sharing the information with everyone."

"No! No that's amazing!" Sarah says "Honestly, and I'll probably get kicked out of the beauty community for this, but I've never once tried a Jeffree Star palette. I know they're so amazing, but I don't like buying makeup palettes online, I'm so afraid they'll break! So, you're showing me something that even I didn't know!"

Ellas eyes widened and she blushed, "No way."

Sarah giggles, nodding "Yes, way." She says, finishing signing the rest of Ella's things.

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