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Note: This was super fun to write, and it's been in my documents for a while under editing. I have the next 3 chapters written and I continue writing, just need some time to chillax. I ended up working 96 hrs last week, plus putting 10+ hours into studying is killing me. 

Anyways, I saw a post on Tumblr by "incorrect-misfits-quotes" (love them omg) and just was wondering how y'all would feel with a Zuckles fic once this is complete? I have been having MAJOR Mason feels recently. 


"Thanks for taking me home, Eric," Sarah said, a small smile on her face. He smiled back, nodding slightly.

"Anytime, goof," He teased.

"Thanks for going with Toby to get my stuff as well, he told me this morning. Quite thoughtful of you," She smirked, watching as his face turned a light shade of pink.

He just nodded, not responding as he pulled into Sarah's driveway. She gathered her things, before turning to him.

"Want to come inside?" She asked softly, and when he nodded again she got out, making her way to her front door.

Eric followed after her, stepping into the house he was in less than twenty-four hours ago. He took his shoes off, making his way to the couch.

"What's on your mind?" Eric asked, and Sarah grinned and ran upstairs. Coming down a few moments later, Eric notices two perfectly rolled joints and a small amount of gummies in a baggie.

"I found these when I was cleaning after everyone had come over," She explained, placing the items in front of him and grabbing a lighter from her pocket. "I really need to get high, and I was hoping you'd join in on the fun."

A smirk was present on Sarah's face, and her eyes were filled with a look Eric didn't quite know how to describe.

He smiles, nodding at her before grabbing a joint off of the table.

"Light it up, hun."


The two were a giggling mess, both joints fully smoked. On the coffee table in front of them lay empty cartons of ice cream (vanilla bean of course). Eric had to admit, the vanilla bean ice cream was superior.

"Shit, I'm so high. I'm not sure how I'm gonna drive home," Eric sighs, realizing it's been a few hours. The sun was setting and it was getting dark out.

Sarah frowned, being considerably higher than Eric. "Don't go," She whined, grabbing his arm. "I don't wanna be lonely."

He contemplated it for a bit, and his mind starts wandering off to other things.

"Please?" She asks again, tugging on his arm.

"Alright, fine. I'll stay. But I have to leave early in the morning, we're recording a podcast at the new office and we have to set everything up first," He explains, and she nods.

"Okay, lets go to bed now and we can cuddle!" Sarah giggles, eyes widening. "That sounds so NICE!"

Eric's face turns red, and he lets out a breathy laugh. "Sarah, I'm gonna sleep in your guest bed. I don't want things to be weird between us."

"But cuddles. It won't be weird. I promise. See?" She speaks quickly, and throws one of her legs over his lap, straddling him. "This isn't weird. And this is way closer than cuddling."

Eric doesn't meet her eyes, his head swimming with different thoughts. Like how close she was, how she was legitimately going to cause an issue if she kept squirming and trying to get comfortable on his lap.

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