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Sarah's heart raced when she heard the knock on the door the next evening. She had known the boys were back from Sydney, getting several SnapChats from Jay of Mason being absolutely fucked up. He was sober, but it was just his energetic self making everyone go insane.

After her talk with Toby the previous night, she had planned exactly what she wanted to say to Eric when he came over. It probably wouldn't go as smoothly as she had intended, but she had an inkling of hope left in her still.

Opening the front door, she saw the shorter man holding a bag of food from Taco Bell. She smiled, ushering him inside.

"I had to ask Toby what you liked, I was so hungry but I didn't want to come over with only food for me. I hope that's okay," Eric said quietly, sliding his shoes off his feet. Sarah smiled, nodding.

"Yes, thank you!" She said happily, grabbing two cups and filling them with water. "No Keto today?"

"Fuck Keto right now, I've been craving Taco Bell for months," He said, pulling the food out of the bag. He set in on the island and took a seat at one of the chairs there, separating his food from hers.

Sarah placed the cup of water in front of him, earning a small 'thanks', before happily opening up her container of nachos and digging in.

"Ugh, fuck. This is so good," She said, wiping her hands on her napkin. She looked over at him, and noticed he seemed extremely uncomfortable.

"Hey," she said, touching Eric's shoulder slightly, "You good?"

He nodded, smiling at her a bit. It came out as more of a grimace, and he sighed.

"I wanna apologize for the other morning. The, uh... the kiss. I dunno, it kind of just happened and I'm not sure what came over me," he said, avoiding her eyes. She nodded, taking a sip of her water before saying anything.

"Eric, it's okay. Don't beat yourself up over it. I just wanna know like... why? Why did you do it? Were you still a bit fucked from the night before, or...?" Sarah asked, letting the question hang in the air.

Eric took a bite of his food, prolonging the inevitable before answering.

"I wasn't fucked up to the point of not knowing what I was doing, no. I felt a bit buzzed but that isn't an excuse. I just.." he started, taking a breath "I think you're great. Wonderful. You're absolutely gorgeous and your personality is top notch. I didn't mean to kiss you, or to do anything this suddenly. I don't even know if the feelings are actual feelings, or if it's just a little crush."

Eric knew he was lying at this point. Sarah practically had him wrapped around his finger. After this, it was quiet for a bit as they both silently ate their food.

"Well, thank you for the compliment," She said, breaking the tension, "And thank you for coming to talk to me. I just don't know if I'm ready for any type of relationship. I mean, I just moved here. And Toby's my best friend. I don't want something between us to come between me and him. Or any of the guys for that matter, and I'm hoping you feel the same way."

He nodded, smiling in understanding. Her words sliced through him like a knife, though. Eric wasn't sure what he was expecting, but to be honest it wasn't this.

"I do. I'm glad we're both in agreement on that. I don't want to ruin our friendship, Sarah. I don't want it to be weird or awkward between us. Can we try to put this behind us and act like it didn't ever happen?" He asked her, and she nodded.

Sarah was hurt by that. She didn't want things to be awkward between them either, and didn't want to lose him. But pretending that it didn't happen didn't sit well with her. She felt weird, like a little stinging in her gut.

Makeup - A SwaggerSouls FicTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon