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Disclaimer: I do not own Once Upon a Time or any crossovers I may end up using!

(A/N) Thank you all for your positive reviews. Reading those review's encouraged me to write and post another chapter... in two days.

This chapters question... or really this fanfic's question! ↓

Should Emma be paired with Hook! Remember, Emma will eventually be darker. So Hook won't exactly become good himself. Not that he currently is right now!

Now for those worried about how low some characters levels are. (Gold and Regina.) Their levels were last checked when the curse was in effect. What their level is now with the curse broken... well that's for later.


"I don't know if I can do this. I'm not a very good liar," said Aurora as they walked back to the haven. They had camped by the ruins of the castle, and now after a good nights rest. Was returning to the place they had just left the previous day.

"Oh, it's not really a lie, Aurora. Lancelot did die an honorable death, and Cora did escape. All true. Just leave the particulars to us. There's no reason to cause unnecessary panic amongst your people." said Snow as they walked towards the village.

"I'm not so sure it's unnecessary-" Aurora started but was cut off by Mulan.

"Wait," said Mulan with a raised arm. "The tower. We always have sentries guarding the entrance," said Mulan rushing forward with her sword drawn.

All four of them rushed forward past the now-empty guard tower and into the village. "Oh, god," said Aurora.

A little behind the group, Emma looked to see what the rest of the group was staring at. Then took a look herself. There in the center of the village, or what was left of it. Were the corpses of the villagers, strewn across the ground.

Emma wrinkled her nose a bit, then smiled, which would probably unnerve at least two of the people in her group. But she couldn't help it. The smell wasn't nearly as bad as the zombies she had dealt with in Boston, though that could be because the corpses didn't have enough time to start decaying.

"This can't be," said Mulan as they looked for any survivors. "Our land- we were protected here, hidden. How did the Ogres find us?"

"Ogre's didn't do this," said Regina/Snow.

Emma walked closer to what Regina was looking at and frowned. Was that man missing a heart?

"What?" asked Mulan.

"Cora did. Their hearts- they were ripped out. This was her magic- twisted and evil. We have to stop her." said Regina/Snow.

"Too late," said Mulan, not taking her eyes off of the dead villagers.

Emma frowned and ignored them for the moment, what was Regina planning this time — taking another glance down at the dead villagers. Emma thought about the magic that was used. Regina had called it twisted and evil, no doubt playing her part as Snow. But still, is that really what her supposed mother would think.

Emma's eyes widened as the thought crossed her mind. What was happening to her? Since when did she even care about the opinion of her... parents. She had lived most of her life on her own. Why would she care what they thought now? She was a grown woman, damn it.

Seemingly to test her resolve. Emma reached down and plunged her hand into the hole of a dead villager's chest. Emma was broken from whatever trance she was in, as soon as she felt the wet and sticky blood inside the villager.

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