Ch. 4

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Disclaimer: I do not own Once Upon a Time or any crossovers I may end up using!

(A/N) So since only one person reviewed for the color of Emma's magic. The color is now red, though since the reviewer only wrote red. I am going with a deep wine-colored red.

Wow, so I'm writing this after the chapter is done. I must say, the warning I put in chapter one. About this, fic branching off from the show. Well, it kinda happened.


Emma frowned as she and Henry ran through the streets. After seeing that wave of what Emma was assumed to be magic. She wanted to find and talk to Regina as soon as possible.

As Emma was running to Regina's mansion. She noticed That Henry had stopped running. Turning her head back, she saw Henry walking towards Snow and David. Or now, Mom and Dad. Emma winced at that thought. Them being her parents was something that Emma was not sure she would get used to.

Sighing Emma continued to Regina's. Sure she probably should have stayed and spoken to her parents. After all, that was what she wanted almost her whole life. But now... Things were different.


Racing up Regina's walkway Emma pounded on the door. "Regina!" yelled Emma as she gasped for breath.

Swinging the door open Regina's eyes widened in surprise, then narrowed. "What are you doing here, Emma?" questioned Regina.

"I came to talk," replied Emma. Regina paused for a moment then stepped aside for Emma to come in.

"What did you want to talk about Emma," asked Regina after they sat down on her sofa.

Emma stared at Regina for a moment, then came to a decision. She would need to tell the truth or at least an abridged version. After all, Emma had promised to tell Regina once she trusted her.

"It all started back in my apartment in Boston. Henry had just arrived..."


"So that's how you healed so quickly," said Regina after a long moment of silence. Her mind no doubt swimming with all that Emma had told her.

"Yup," replied Emma Popping the last letter. Emma had at first started only telling the basics. Like where she got the system. But once she began to tell Regina about her first kill. Emma sighed in her head. She had spilled a lot more than she planned to. Though oddly enough, Emma had not cried or anything. She had stayed a little too calm.

"Should I have done anything differently?" asked Emma after clearing her head of her previous thoughts.

"I think you made the right choice," replied Regina without a moments pause. "It wasn't as if those men were planning on leaving you alive."

Emma smiled a little as she felt a huge weight lift off her shoulders. It may have seemed odd. But in these past few weeks, Regina really had become Emma's best friend. Evil queen or not.

Regina looked as if she was about to continue speaking, but was interrupted by someone yelling and banging on the door. "Open up, or we're coming in!"

Standing up they both walked forward with Regina opening the door. "Can I help you?" asked Regina with a small smirk.

Emma covered her mouth with her arm as she hid a laugh. Of course, that's the first thing Regina would say to an angry mob.

"That smirk isn't gonna last forever, Regina," said Dr. Whale. "You took everything from us, and now-"

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