Chapter 6 - Suspicious Astrid

Depuis le début

"It doesn't look that bad does it?" I asked him.

"Grrrr!" Windwalker responded. I think that means it's okay. Or I hope it does anyway. I had the armour on, with all the parts attached. Underneath I wore my normal clothes. Except she also gave me these shoes. Apparently they are supposed to help me stand better on Cloudjumper. Around them and up my legs were bindings that were thick like the armour. They actually went with my everyday clothes. I think I will just wear them from now on.

"Alright, I'm off. Keep the mice out won't ya?" I asked him as I went to turn the door handle. As I reached out my hand the handle moved itself. My eyes widened. I quickly chucked the armour top off and slid it under the bed along with the helmet. The door opened and I stood there kind of panicking.

"Eylimi!" Dad said. He kind of sounded mad. What did I do now?

"Dad! How's the chiefing going? Bucket still milking chickens." I smiled, trying to stay out of trouble.

"Yeah, not the greatest week. That's not the point though Eylimi! I came to talk to you about the dragon." He said.

"Oh gods. Dad...." I began. I thought this was the end of me. Knowing how protective he is this could be where I end up locked inside forever. All because of cloudju....

"I'm so proud of you Eylimi!" He yelled.

"Uh, you are?" I asked kind of unsure about what he was going on about.

"Your mother told me that the dragon training is going great! I knew you were a warrior! You could have your own dragon before you know it!" He smiled.

"I can!" I said, excited. That means all I have to do is keep Cloudjumper a secret until then.

"Right after you finish the training! I'm so proud Eylimi. I knew you would take after me." He smiled and pulled me into a hug. He might me skinnier than the other vikings but I swear he is just as strong. I think my lungs have just been flattened. He let me down as I rubbed my shoulder that cracked. "Thor knows how you are learning this stuff but I seriously can't be more proud. This is amazing!" I smiled. "If it was you windwalker than I praise you too." He looked over to the dragon. The dragon smiled as if wanting to take all the credit for himself.

"Yeah, thanks dad." I smiled.

"New shoes?" He wondered.

"Ah, yeah. You know, just to give me better grip." I tried to lie.

"Hm, okay then. Don't forget Eylimi. It's your final test tomorrow. You're competing against, uh, I think it was Hunter to train the Thunderdrum. You train him, and you go out to find your own dragon." He smiled.

"Hehe, yeah." I smiled awkwardly.

"You have no idea how much I have to teach you once you got a dragon." He smiled. He did sound really proud but I felt so guilty having to lie. He loves me and I know it. I know he just wants me safe but I went against his rules. I really don't want to get in trouble. It's not completely my fault. Cloudjumper just showed up at the wrong time. I blame the dragon.

"Uh, dad. How come we aren't aloud dragons now? I mean think of Gustav got his nightmare when he was thirteen." I said. I was trying to see just how much trouble Gustav got in so I know what I'm up against.

"Eylimi. I was sixteen. I wasn't chief yet. Not to mention your mother didn't even go out with me yet..." He began.

"I heard that!" I heard mum yell from downstairs.

"Gustav wasn't my responsibility. So it wasn't my word whether he trained a dragon or not. It was only when he was eighteen that Fanghook got out of state and really hurt him. That's when I decided I didn't want to see anyone else hurt. He didn't train the dragon properly and he wasn't a good flyer. I wasn't going to see you in the same state with a broken leg and arm with a missing left hand. So I have to make you and the others go through the training first I'm sorry." He explained. Now I'm actually starting to see his point of view on this training thing. Great now I feel really guilty.

"I understand." I said and looked down. He lifted my chin.

"If it were just me and you I would let you train your own dragon to fly. But with all those other hooligans out there I'm not letting my daughter take the risk. But all that will be over soon. Then I can teach you how to really fly." He smiled and kissed me on the head.

"HICCUP!" I heard mum scream from downstairs.

"That's my call." Dad left the room. He walked down stairs. OH MY GODS!" I heard dad yell too. I rushed down stairs to see what the problem was. I saw the kitchen trashed and Stormfly on the ground. Toothless was next to her growling at the cupboard. Both dragons had completely trashed the house. They barely fit in the house as it was and now they were both in here. Dad slowly opened the cupboard door to see what he was growling at. Mum took a sword off the wall just incase. He opened the door quickly and stood back. Suddenly a clan of fireworms fled out.

"Ahhhh!" Mum yelled as they scattered across the floor. We don't get many fireworms here. When we do we do the best to get rid of them. Their skin burns like the sun so they had to be moved. I grabbed my staff and hit it on the ground several times as if I was asking them to sit in front of me. I kept moving backwards toward the door. They followed close behind. As I got out the door I lifted the staff to the beam above me. I hooked in and lifted myself to stand on the staff, above the floor. The fireworms ran underneath me and out of the house. I jumped down and unhooked the staff. I patted my skirt and walked back inside, closing the door. As it shut I turned around to see dads mouth open while mum stood there with her arms crossed. I leaned slightly to the right to see Valka in her chair smiled and clapping quietly.

"Care to explain yourself?" Mum said.

"Uh, you're welcome." I said rudely.

"Wasn't that amazi..." Dad began but mum gave him a death stare. "...yes deer." He corrected and let her take over.

"Eylimi. What is going on?" She asked me.

"What's going on?" I repeated, still lying.

"How are you learning all this stuff?" She asked again.

"Uh.." I stuttered.

"Valka!" She yelled to her in the other room.

"Don't look at me." She responded. Thanks for the backup gran.

"I just fixed our fireworm problem. What did I do wrong?" I asked when she looked back to me.

"Fine, fine." Mum just dropped it. "Stormfly, Toothless, out!" She ordered and they squeezed out the door. Stormfly struggled getting her spikes through the door. I hooked the staff around one of them and pulled down allowing her head to fit though and she walked out. Mum crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. She walked upstairs. Dad followed close behind not wanting to be in trouble with her wrath too.

"Thanks for the backup." I said sarcastically walking into the living room where Valka was.

"Hey, didn't get me into this." She responded. "All you should be worrying about is your final test tomorrow. It doesn't matter if you win or loose you still get a dragon. If you win though, your the first to choose your dragon. Which means you can walk straight into the forest and just grab Cloudjumper." She said.

"I guess your right." I responded.


I'm back at school now guys. Ugh! -_-

Yeah, anyway. That means the updates will be getting slower. During the holidays I tried really hard to actually write three chapters a day, one for each book I am working on. Now though I will be lucky if I even get a chance to write one chapter a day. Sorry if the updates do get a lot slower but I promise I will update at minimum, once a week. Blame school.

Alright I think that's all. Oh yeah, last thing. What do you think of the book so far? Any ideas? Anything I should be adding? Should I just cut this book and work on the others? Tell me what you think ;)

Peace out :P

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