Chapter 30

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The familiar ding of the coffee shop gained Shawn's attention once it went off. His face dropped at the sight of Mike. Expression blank and eyes bored. Shawn blinked and looked away, not wanting to be caught staring.

Shawn had known Mike for so long. He knew his order off by heart and had always engaged in friendly chat with him, but that was now gone. Well, friendly wasn't the word. Shawn was friendly and laughed whilst Mike wasn't very responsive and looked miserable. Now, they had a dislike for each other, all because of Jay White.

'Can I get my usual order?' Mike more demanded than asked, slamming down the correct change for the drink.

Shawn looked ar him a moment, 'yeah.'

Shawn wrote down the order, putting it behind him for the other barista. He put the money in the till and waited.

Mike moved over to the other side, waiting for his coffee. Bored and glancing around the shop.

Once Shawn put down the drink for Mike, he tried to move away despite there being no more customers.

'Wait, Shawn, I want to talk to you,' Mike called out.

Shawn dreaded it, but turned around anyways, 'what is it?'

'I think you have an idea.'

'I don't need a lecture, I know what I did was bad,' Shawn answered.

'Well that's not true, you did it twice. To the same person,' Mike reminded him of his mistakes. Shawn sighed and looked to the ground, 'you hurt him, you know? He cried for so long and said he felt used and pathetic.'

'He did?' Shawn sounded hurt by this information.

Mike nodded, taking his coffee into his hand, 'you almost destroyed him. He's acting fine now, but I know it's hurting him.'

'Why do you even care? You said you hated him,' Shawn stated.

'Because I did. But now I know I could never hate him,' Mike began, 'he's a great friend of mine, since we've become civil. He's helped me through so much and I owe a lot to him. I wouldn't be where I am right now without him. Feeling more myself. Some see it as bad, I've never been happier.'

Shawn looked at him as Mike said every word, 'you sound so happy. I've never heard you speak with such emotion.'

'I'm surprised you know emotions, Shawn,' Mike smirked.

'Please don't Mike,' Shawn shook his head, 'but how is Jay?'

'Once he's fully over you, he'll be better.'

'He deserves better than me, I just hope he's happy,' Shawn smiled to the counter at the thought of Jay's smile, 'he deserves someone who will treat him like they love him, not like I did. He deserves love, nothing less.'

'I know he does,' Mike said, a little quieter. He turned around and walked out the coffee shop, leaving Shawn behind.

Carnival in town! Come see us soon!

The signs became more frequent as the taxis drove closer. Two taxis; Mike, George and Jay. Thomas, James and Dan. All headed to the carnival that was in town that weekend. Music filled their ears with delight the moment they stepped out of the taxis, once paying. Circus music, the familiar tune that was always playing at carnivals.

Sat on a field, the carnival was quiet big and on a small hill. Stalls with games, cotton candy and popcorn, the giant ferris wheel. It was the perfect carnival.

They all stepped onto the field, once paying, and stood in awe a few moments.

'It looks nice,' Jay admired with a small shrug.

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