Chapter 12

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Date of Love:

After school, Jay, Dan, James and Thomas talked before going their separate ways home.

'Don't you find it weird how Mike fought with Mark?' James asked, going onto the topic everyone was talking about; Mike Verdez.

'And people think he's gay,' Dan continued for James.

Surprisingly, Mike wasn't expelled for a few days after fighting with Mark. Only a dentention at lunches for a week. Nobody knew who did the graffiti on the lockers, but people presumed it was something to do with Mark and his friends.

The school janitors managed to scrub it off, but the words were still faintly painted on. Permanent.

'Are you alright, Jay?' Thomas asked, switching the roles as Jay usually asked him that.

'I'm fine, I'm used to the hate,' Jay answered.

'You shouldn't have to be, its brutal, its cruel,' Dan became angry.

'Is he actually gay?' James asked.

'No, look at him, he's not,' Jay lied, he knew otherwise. Mike was still in denial, but Jay saw right through him. But he wasn't going to out someone, it wasn't right.

'Yeah, you make a point,' James admitted, 'how's the assignment going with him?'

'It's alright overall, it's quiet and a little awkward, he usually leaves ina  rush and anger fit, too,' Jay explained the situation.

'Off topic, haven't you got another date with Shawn,' Dan wiggled his eyebrows.

Jay playfully shoved him, 'shut up!'

'Hes blushing!' James pointed out.

'He's in love,' Dan stated with a smile.

'I am not.'

'Yes you are, Jay, stop denying it,' James smiled brightly.

'Whatever, I'm going now, I need to get ready,' Jay said, walking off.

'Enjoy your date tonight!'

'I will!'

At home, Jay chose the outfit he hoped would he presentable. Shawn had vaguely said it was fancy, but nothing else had been spoiled. He hoped grey trousers and a white shirt would be fine. The doorbell rang and Jay walked downstairs. He opened the door and looked up at Shawn, who stood there.

'Hey,' he said.

'Hey,' Jay returned.

'Ready to go?'

'Where are we going?' Jay smiled.

'It's still a surprise,' Shawn left it at that, before taking his hand and walking off with him.

They arrived at a restaurant. Whilst it wasn't necessarily fancy, you wouldn't be able to turn up in jeans and a casual top.

Jay hummed, 'looks like a nice place. Good pick.'

'Thank you,' Shawn smiled sweetly, 'I do my best.'

They both laughed before entering the building. Their reserved table was awaiting their arrival. Once sat, a waiter came to take their order.

As they placed their order, across the room and stood at the counter ready to waiter himself was a person staring at the two. Mike Verdez.

A part time job he held at that place. Where he only worked Friday nights. Of all days of the week, Jay happened to show up at the restaurant where he worked a mere 4-5 hours a week. He was frustrated, but of course he couldn't so anything. He had to remain a professional as possible. Mike could only hope he wouldn't have to walk to the table.

'Mike!' His boss called from behind, 'go to table 5 and take their order, will you?'

Table 5. Next to table 6. Jay and Shawn's table happened to be table 6.

Mike slumped over, avoiding eye contact with the opposite table. Jay and Shawn noticed Mike, they look at him as he took the other table's order. Mike felt their gazes, but said and sid nothing about it. But just as he was leaving to give the order to someone else to make, he looked up to make eye contact with Jay.

'I didn't know he worked here,' Shawn said, turning back to Jay.

Jay averted his eyes back to Shawn, 'hm.'

'Whatever, it's not about him, let's eat,' Shawn smiled.


Mike continued to throw glances at their table, where they laughed, talked, held hands and once fed each other spoonfuls of their food. When they put down their money onto the silver plate for the bill, they both got up and made their way to the door.

A pair of eyes were still on them as they walked out. They stood at the window, in full view of Mike's sight. He continued to look as Shawn leaned down and placed a sweet kiss upon Jay's lips. They hugged when they parted, then walked hand in hand down the street and out of sight.

Jay was walked home with Shawn, as crickets began to chirp and the crescent moon was bright. Dots of stars surrounded the night sky and painted a canvas with a calming atmosphere.

'Thanks for tonight, Shawn,' Jay said, parting their hands.

'Thank you, too,' he responded, 'hey, are you going to that party tomorrow?'

'Oh, you're going, too?'

'Yeah, I know her brother,' Shawn said.

'Good, I'll get to see you tomorrow then,' Jay smiled.

Shawn smiled back, it was impossible to not smile at Jay's own one, it was contagious, 'I look forward to it. I always look forward to seeing you.'

Jay's cheeks tinted red, 'shut up, you flatter me too much.'

'I enjoy making you blush, it's cute,' Shawn leaned closer.

He grabbed Jay's cheeks, causing his mouth to pucker out. Shawn leaned close to peck his lips with a gentle kiss and tapped his cheeks.

'See, you're blushing again,' Shawn pointed out with a proud smile, 'see you tomorrow.'

'See you then,' Jay turned around, ready to go inside.

'Jay?' Shawn suddenly questioned.

'Yes?' Jay turned back around.

Shawn paused, before whispering, just loud enough for Jay to hear his words, 'I love you.'

Jay smiled at his words and whispered back, 'I love you, too.'

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